Maybe I’ll use some of the backgrounds from Jared Sinclair’s Empty Sector in conjunction with Slow Sleigh. I’ll need to dig it out of my zine “filing system”… (wish I had the PDF too, but the online seller I bought from wasn’t offering them at the time.)
#troika #TroikaRPG #emptysector #slowsleightoplanktondowns
I think I’m decided that I’ll run Troika! for my players when it’s next my turn to GM something. They’ve never played it before, and I’m leaning towards Slow Sleigh to Plankton Downs as an opener. I’m genuinely not sure what they’ll make of it: Into The Odd was more unusual for them than anything they’d played before, but I’m hopeful they’ll embrace the strangeness and enjoy it.
#troika #TroikaRPG #slowsleightoplanktondowns