I wonder how popular a modern "slow" social media would be. Think fidonet back in the day. A system which collects posts but only bulk releases them once a day, so you wouldn't feel the compulsion to check for new messages multiple times a day.
#FidoNet #SlowSocial
"How will these smaller groups of happier people be monetized? [...] Happy people, the kind who eat sandwiches together, are boring. They don’t buy much. Their smartphones are six versions behind and have badly cracked screens. They fix bicycles, then they talk about fixing bicycles, then they show their friend, who just came over for no reason, how they fixed their bicycle, and their friend says, “Wow, good job,” and they make tea" #Mastodon #Fediverse #SlowSocial
#mastodon #fediverse #slowsocial
Eli, I ran into your work again today in a Metagov session where we were talking about #SlowSocial. Hope we get a chance to swap notes!
For folks wanting to learn more, here's Eli talking with the Metagov seminar group about New Public, social networks, scale and subsidiarity, and more:
...almost like we need #SlowSocial 🥰
(which is what a friend the other day called Socialroots :)
Per ora la lentezza di #mastodon la trovo un valore aggiunto. Imparare di nuovo la calma e la lentezza. Una specie di #slowsocial #RIPtwitter
#riptwitter #slowsocial #mastodon
Mastodon lets you follow people and only see their original toots. It’s a good option if your home timeline gets filled with one person’s boosts. Open their profile, click on the ⋮ button, and click “Hide boosts from user.” (It only hides future boosts, not historical ones.) Use it with care, as you might miss some good stuff. #intothefediverse #slowsocial #feditips
#intothefediverse #slowsocial #feditips
I'm sorry if I am slow in posting content here. Moving over from here is not just a chance to create more meaningful connections - its also a chance to reconfigure my use of media such like this. This #migrating and #evaluating is my chance to try out more #slowSocial.
#migrating #evaluating #slowsocial
Yo soy uno de esos. No me importa si va lento. La vida va mejor con #slowfood. Por qué no iría mejor con #slowsocial ?
Inspired by such movements as #SlowFood, #SlowScience, & #SlowResearch, we finally have a call for #SlowSocial: https://medium.com/womentorship/slow-social-the-call-for-a-mindful-digital-revolution-d9b50960eca2. If more people adopt this, we could put a dent in #InformationPollution.
#SlowFood #slowscience #slowresearch #slowsocial #informationpollution