Loved Slow Shotwell! But it left me with many questions.
Why is MTA doing different treatments on each slow street? The Richmond's slow streets have the bare minimum, while Shotwell has 2 sets of full diverters, speed humps, no cut through traffic signs and clear cross street signage.
Thanks @slowlakestreet, Mr Softee will never make it to the rest of the Richmond. Y'all do love your ice cream.
(you can track the truck via the app)
#slowstreets #mrsoftee #UrbanMobility
@NoeValleySF @slowsanchez and I wonder if @sfmta_muni sees posts tagged with #sfmta or if we need to directly inform them via @sfmta_muni for posts reporting #slowstreets abuses, damaged signs, unsafe intersections, etc?
Americans are hopping on electric two- and three-wheelers not just for joyriding but also for #commuting to #work, going grocery #shopping and shuttling kids to #school—trips they would’ve otherwise taken in their cars and #minivans. #Electric #bicycles have also become the de facto mode of transportation for many app-based #delivery #workers in major #cities.
#electricbicycles #slowstreets #ProtectedBikeLane #visionzero #keepitintheground
#commuting #work #shopping #school #minivans #electric #bicycles #delivery #workers #cities #electricbicycles #slowstreets #ProtectedBikeLane #visionzero #keepitintheground
Hello! An introduction-ish for the #TwitterMigration newcomers. Welcome!
I live in #SanFrancisco and I love it. My sweet #Caturday kitty is named Olive.
Some other things that I enjoy: #LiberalPolitics #Cocktails #SlowStreets #Books #Travel #BikeTooter #SFGiants #Warriors #Cooking #Puns #DadJokes #Judaism #CommunityRadio
Am aspiring gardener without a garden
#twittermigration #sanfrancisco #caturday #liberalpolitics #cocktails #slowstreets #books #travel #BikeTooter #sfgiants #warriors #cooking #puns #dadjokes #judaism #communityradio
TIL about the reopen the Alto Tunnel project. Def needs funding but seems like a missed opportunity in the year 2023.
#activetransportation #Greenway #slowstreets
Current situation at Page and Gough. (actually day 2) There is a detour sign at Octavia but we aren't sure if it is a detour to no where or Grove? Either way it is a mess out there with active transpo users depending on @pageslowstreet for safe passage.
Stay safe friends!
#activetransportation #UrbanMobility #slowstreets #Greenway #neighborway
#SlowSanchez 2023 Survey Results #slowstreets #NoeValley #sanfrancisco
#slowsanchez #slowstreets #NoeValley #sanfrancisco
@alameth cities proved that #slowstreets helped the economy during the pandemic. The Mayor needs to #close whole networks of streets to cars to retain the #health benefits that resulted. These downtowns should never have been designed to empty at night, it creates infrastructure for distracted, drunk, and #speeding #traffic.
#slowstreets #close #health #speeding #traffic
I'm psyched for SlowYuga! Finally a real Slow Street close to my neighborhood on Cayuga-- and a regular bike route of mine.
Slow launch party this Mon!
Still one of the best columns we've read in the past few years. @rollovereasy
"Not all streets will be popular or successful, and that’s OK. We’ve shown ourselves to be adaptable, and there are plenty of alternatives if a particular street doesn’t work. Remember, streets make up 25% of the city, so we’ve got plenty of room to work with."
Page & Divis median diverter and right turn calming treatments.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
#slowstreets #UrbanMobility #activetransportation
MTA road crew working on the full Octavia style diverters @ Page / Divis. 💓 🚧 🚲 ✅
#slowstreets #UrbanMobility #activetransportation
Right turn traffic calming and partial diverter finally going in at @pageslowstreet and Masonic. 🙏🏻 🚧 🐌
Rome wasn't built in a day. 🇻🇦 🇮🇹 🏗️
#slowstreets #UrbanMobility #activetransportation
RT @nattynyc
Hello @SFMTA_Muni
What cars do to bicyclists 👇
Restrict cars on Lake Street!!
USA Cycling champion dies after being struck by driver in the Presidio
Check out @betterstreetsai, they've recently started using Mastodon again!
They're showing just how much better streets could be if they are redesigned for people rather than cars - using AI!
I think it's really important to _see_ what is possible with our streets, not just be inundated with stats.
#betterstreets #ai #urbanplanning #urbanism #urbanism #slowstreets #visionzero #transport #urbanplanning #cities #highway #landscape #cars
#betterstreets #ai #urbanplanning #urbanism #slowstreets #visionzero #transport #cities #highway #landscape #cars