The Urbanist · @urbanistorg
3620 followers · 2343 posts · Server

🎯 The safety crisis has festered too long. Time to do something impactful.


We don't just need a "Vision Zero review," but an ENTIRE department review. This cannot keep happening.

I have called the Mayor & SDOT Director following this news. I am looking to their commitment & robust partnership in redesigning the streets of South Seattle for safety.


#slowthecars #visionzero

Last updated 2 years ago

bslotterback · @bslotterback
435 followers · 275 posts · Server

The temporary lane reduction shows you what is possible on the new Fern Hollow Bridge. Cars actually go the speed limit! This bridge (and Forbes) should be two car lanes with the rest dedicated to human modes.

#slowthecars #bikepgh

Last updated 2 years ago

After sleeping on it, I’ve come around to think a along with lane-narrowing pedestrian islands at the crosswalks would do well here to effectively slow cars through the intersection.

This carries the additional benefit for drivers not having to stop during low traffic times whilst still driving a low speeds.

#urbanism #slowthecars #safestreets #roundabout

Last updated 2 years ago

Yesterday, my neighbor was killed by a vehicle while crossing the street in broad daylight during the farmer’s market at what ought to be Poway’s safest intersection—adjacent to Midland Elementary.

While the crosswalks across Edgemoor are made short by sidewalks that widely narrow the street; but Midland’s have wide sweeping corners that entice cars to speed out of the intersection—exactly what the driver of the pickup did before fatally striking Grace.

Rest in Peace, Grace 💐



Last updated 2 years ago

The Urbanist · @urbanistorg
1982 followers · 502 posts · Server

South Seattle sorely needs street safety upgrades. D2 alone accounts for more than half of Seattle's traffic deaths.


CM Teresa Mosqueda: "this is a policy problem, this a problem that can be solved by different investments and policy choices." Citing the incredibly disproportionate burden felt by south Seattle, calls it the direct result of divestment.


#seabikes #slowthecars #visionzero

Last updated 2 years ago