"What does water want?" Enjoyed this article by Erica Gies on an alternative approach to trying to 'control' water.
(Also liked the fact that Julian Hoffman originally posted about it here in November, but I saw a boost of that post just today - a nice waterlike carry of information.)
#slowwater #climate #ericagies
Really interesting short doc by ABC News #AustralianStory about Peter Andrews' natural sequence farming (aka #SlowWater) and how he and neighbors throughout the watershed rehydrated the land. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4OBcRHX1Bc&list=LL&index=32&t=732s
It was an honor to speak with Carol Browner, former head of the EPA; Joone Kim-Lopez, general manager of the Moulton Niguel Water District in Southern California; and David Lynch, CEO of Klir at an event hosted by Klir at the kick-off of the American Waterworks Association conference #ACE23 in Toronto on Monday. "Water Always Wins: Thriving in an age of drought and deluge." #slowwater
It was an honor to speak with Carol Browner, former head of the EPA; Joone Kim-Lopez, general manager of the Moulton Niguel Water District in Southern California; and David Lynch, CEO of Klir at an event hosted by Klir at the kick-off of the American Waterworks Association conference #ACE23 in Toronto on Monday. "Water Always Wins: Thriving in an age of drought and deluge." #slowwater
The #water / #energy nexus and #slowwater feature big in this great discussion with Tucker Perkins on the Path to Zero podcast. Special thanks to producer Russ Rhea https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/climate-change-water-resilience-with-journalist-erica/id1515782219?i=1000613011050
Good article about #slowwater in Los Angeles by Oliver Wainwright for The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/feb/27/parched-eco-architecture-los-angeles-megadrought-water-capturing-parks?utm_term=63fd8a542345354292fc706c72631235&utm_campaign=GuardianTodayUK&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=GTUK_email
Thanks very much to Amanpour & Co. on PBS and @Hari for the chance to share what I learned while reporting "Water Always Wins." The #SlowWater movement is about changing our relationship with water and thereby reducing impacts from drought and flood. Also: healthy groundwater hydrates plants, which transpire, seeding local rain.
Excellent conversation by Judith Schwartz w/scientists Anastassia Makarieva & Antonio Nobre for @mongabay about the critical role of forests in fostering rain, the "biotic pump." #slowwater
I had a good podcast chat about #slowwater with Steve Hilton on CA Rebel Base, also found on The Next Revolution on Fox. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/steve-meets-dennis-prager/id1664931236?i=1000597420132
Thank you, host Jill Cloutier for having me on Sustainable World Radio to talk about #slowwater. We talk about the powers of peat, the hyporheic zone aka the liver of the river, and how respecting #water can go a long way toward solving our problems. https://sustainableworldradio.com/slowwatersolutions/
Get HALF OFF on the audio book version of "Water Always Wins: Thriving in an age of drought and deluge" through January 27. It's narrated by the amazing Linda Jones. Meet #slowwater leaders worldwide who are softening floods & droughts. https://www.audiobooks.com/promotions/promotedBook/590131/water-always-wins-thriving-in-an-age-of-drought-and-deluge?refId=56252 @audiobooks_com
As #AtmosphericRiver storms continue in California, I spoke with Jeff Schechtman at California Sun podcast about how #slowwater practices can balance the water cycle, reducing impacts from flood and drought: https://www.californiasun.co/podcast/erica-gies-tells-us-what-water-wants/
ICYMI, my @kqed Forum chat about #slowwater and how we can capture #water from #Californiastorm to heal #groundwater systems and bridge #drought. with host @alexismadrigal and co-guests Jay Lund and California DWR climatologist Michael Anderson. https://www.kqed.org/forum/2010101891818/flooding-during-a-drought-rethinking-californias-water-system
#slowwater #water #californiastorm #groundwater #drought
#SlowWater hits The New York Times. My op/ed about how California can reduce harms from both flood and drought with paleo valleys -- but more broadly by returning some space to water for its natural processes. Much more in my book "Water Always Wins: Thriving in an age of drought and deluge." #nytimes https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/07/opinion/california-flood-atmospheric-river-drought.html
Here’s a fabulous #solutions story about #adaptation to #flooding. A county in The Netherlands, exhausted by fighting floods, alllowed a #river to spread out instead. Now it’s an asset for #wildlife and #recreation. This reminds me of the book, ‘Water Always Wins,’ about the slow water movement. #climateadaptation #slowwater
#slowwater #climateadaptation #recreation #wildlife #river #flooding #adaptation #solutions
What does water want? Great piece from @egies
//We are reminded that water has agency, and our attempts at control actually make us more vulnerable.//
#Water #SlowWater #ClimateChange #WaterAlwaysWins #Drought #Deluge
#water #slowwater #climatechange #wateralwayswins #drought #deluge
Between staff and developers, as you can guess, #CreekSetbacks are compromised, using #CEQA as a done deal. But they should be expanded to safely accommodate #AtmosphericRivers. Beaver dams on the creek will #SlowWater and reduce the destructiveness of #floods. https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/beavers-make-bay-area-comeback-17683258.php
#creeksetbacks #CEQA #atmosphericrivers #slowwater #floods
@therockyfiles @washingtonpost #slowwater solutions can help us adapt to these #water extremes. Much more in my book, “Water Always Wins.” https://slowwater.world
I have a Google alert set for #slowwater, and today it sent me a new coinage I’d not considered: #slowwater torture. #water #climate 🫤 https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/flooding-means-living-on-a-knifes-edge-in-manawahe-bay-of-plenty-home/RJK4Y2N7DRCMDFQGS5JKDPOATQ/