So I'm interested to see what happens with the apparent alliance between some parties on the Marxist left (the Socialist Labour Party and the Workers GB party) and parts of the far right such as Unity News Network and the Schiller Institute. Are they going to end up forming some kind of over arching red brown party?
#SLP #WorkersGB #No2Nato #UNN #Socialist #farright #conspiracy
#slp #workersgb #no2nato #UNN #socialist #farright #conspiracy
I am in #Hobart for #SPAconf23 a busy one for me with 11 papers workshops and short presentations. Will keep you updated on the goings on in #SpeechPathology #SLP #SpeechLanguagePathology
#speechlanguagepathology #slp #speechPathology #spaconf23 #hobart
A new reflective Denial-of-Service (DoS) amplification vulnerability in the Service Location Protocol #SLP allows threat actors to launch massive denial-of-service attacks with 2,200X amplification☝️👩💻
Schwachstelle in obskurem Internet-Protokoll Service Location Protocol (#SLP) könnte DoS-Angriffe verstärken.
「新しい SLP の脆弱性により、攻撃者は 2200 倍の強力な DDoS 攻撃を開始できる 」: The Hackernews
SLPはサービスロケーションプロトコル (Service Location Protocol)の略で、企業内ネットワーク内のサービスを検索するために使われるらしい。(初めて学習)
これの脆弱性CVE-2023-29552 を使えば、2,200倍にプロトコル発信を増幅させられるので、外向きのDDoSに使われる可能性がある。
「脆弱な SLP インスタンスを持つ組織が最も多い上位 10 か国は、米国、英国、日本、ドイツ、カナダ、フランス、イタリア、ブラジル、オランダ、およびスペイン」
The #SLP DDoS stuff just announced is.. problematic. DDoS is coming as nobody will patch this quickly, it's a design flaw in every implementation. #threatintel
⚠️El martes, el ingreso de un #FrenteFrío propiciará: #Lluvias intensas ⛈️ en #Puebla y #Veracruz,
muy fuertes en #SLP, #Querétaro, #Hidalgo y #Oaxaca; fuertes en #NL, #Tamaulipas, #EdoMéx, #CDMX, #Tlaxcala, #Chiapas y #QRoo.
#frentefrio #lluvias #puebla #veracruz #slp #queretaro #hidalgo #oaxaca #nl #tamaulipas #edomex #cdmx #tlaxcala #chiapas #QRoo
I have extra appreciation of Jimin’s swallow as a SLP who treats swallowing disorders in the hospital. He is alert, oriented and can participate in sequential swallows with no overt signs or symptoms of aspiration. Fortunately he appears to have no need of my services.
#SLP #bts #jimin #btsarmy
I’m also assigning “End Game” on Netflix before our discussion of end of life & #PalliativeCare in our #bioethics class #SLP (also ht @SFXTX). Such caring families & staff. An amazing resource
#palliativecare #bioethics #slp
My wise colleague @SFXTX hipped me to this short doc “Extremis” on Netflix - what a great resource for #SLP students & anyone who might work with dying patients #ethics
Worth a listen: CNN Axe Files podcast with journalist John Hendrickson talking about his stuttering
Paid summer internship!
See the attached announcement for a paid, full-time summer internship for undergrad or grad students at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. This is a great opportunity for exposure to Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology research in a clinical setting. Open to students from hearing/speech, engineering, psych, or any related field. Reach out for more info or apply now!
#slp #AUD #speech #hearing #auditory #summerinternship
Had a shitty meeting with my child’s school #slp #sped director, and teacher about #neurodiverse affirming care, and why their constant questioning during remote sessions to try to force AAC usage is BS. It did not go well. #Education and therapists appear inextricably connected with #structuralableism forcing #ablednormalcy upon those of us who are #disabled and/or #neurodiverse I am grateful to read about this organization:
#slp #sped #neurodiverse #education #structuralableism #ablednormalcy #disabled
Der 1. Wiener FEES Basiskurs startet schon am Freitag. Ein oder zwei Plätze scheint es noch zu geben. Schnell und spontan sein! #fees #slt #slp #logopädie
Rewriting our research methods content for undergraduate Speech and Language Therapy course. Definitely want to move away from SPSS. Don't have large amount of teaching time. Need students to have confidence in descriptive and basic inferential stats skills. Considering jamovi. Thoughts??? 🙏🏻
#slp #slt #statistics #jamovi
Why I Dread Saying My Own Name
Nearly every decision in my life has been shaped by my stutter.
By John Hendrickson
#speechPathology #slp #Stuttering
Self promotion time! I wrote my #phdThesis about young males who had offended and their experience of language and communication difficulties. Poster image is here and there's a link to my main article from it here:
I wonder if I'll ever go back to doing research...
#phdThesis #slp #WeSpeechies #SLT #SLP_SLT