@ewdocparris Usenet. I was there mostly in the ‘97-‘02 era. It was awesome. I had a #FreeBSD machine at the time. I used #slrn for my client. I would love to have that again.
I configured #slrn and took a look at several #newsgroups, including some that I used to participate in over 20 years ago.
Completely different vibe from the modern web. There was a relatively recent post in comp.security.pgp about installing PGP 6.x on Windows XP. The thread included some classic flaming.
I came across people using Windows Live Mail to post to Usenet.
What an interesting and bizarre experience.
Seltsam. Ich kann #slrn zwar vom Terminal aus aufrufen und verwenden, aber weder vom KDE- noch vom fvwm-Menü aus - da geht das Fenster kurz auf, dann heißt es lt. Debug "Verbindung konnte nicht aufgebaut werden".
@craigbro @terhechte I'd prefer a general foo-to-NNTP gateway for #reddit #Mastodon and such services.
This way, not only users of #GNUS would profit!
#reddit #mastodon #gnus #nntp #usenet #newsgroups #slrn #thunderbird
@jackbaty @dekkzz76 @nathell @worldsendless In my personal life, I'm using #mutt with #vim (and #slrn, #zsh, screen->#tmux) since decades on a server. Only my business #MUA (#evolution) is installed on my business host. See also https://karl-voit.at/apps-I-am-using/ #PIM #email
#mutt #slrn #zsh #tmux #mua #evolution #pim #email #vim
@eludom Agreed; algorithms as the big corporate sites have implemented them are pretty bad. But really, 20 years ago #slrn and other #Usenet readers had scorefiles that let you adjust the score of a post by various pattern matching. It was reasonably effective. Current Mastodon filtering is primitive in comparison. Something that's user-controlled would be nice.
#fvwm2 war in den 90ern mein Standard-Desktop unter #Linux. Nach fvwm2 kam #KDE, und dabei bin ich bis heute geblieben. Aber ab und an ist es ganz witzig, zu den Anfängen zurückzukehren (inklusive der #XClock und den #XEyes). Dazu zählen dann auch Programme wie #mutt (E-Mails), #slrn (Newsgroups), #ircII (Internet Relay Chat, der Vorgänger von Mastodon, wenn man so will), #Seamonkey (um etwas #Netscape zu spielen).
#fvwm2 #linux #kde #xclock #xeyes #mutt #slrn #ircii #seamonkey #netscape
https://www.aioe.org/ Is another #usenet #nntp free/public server that resides in Europe, is as good as http://www.eternal-september.org/ a good cli GNU/Linux client #slrn recomended groups: comp.infosystems.gemini comp.lang.c alt.2600 alt.2600.hope comp.os.linux.security I'm working to add comp.lang.go and comp.lang.rust (this a bit after)
#ssh #weechat #firefox #torbrowser #umatrix #ublockorigin #cookieautodelete #gnome #gnucash #keepassxc #keepassdx #slrn #serendipity #piwigo #nextcloud #keybase #jami #jitsi #osmand #öffi #Transprtr #freeotp #taskwarrior #timewarrior #blokada #fdroid #fedilab #k9mail #maps #liferea #mastodon #matrix #riot #gajim #conversations #evolution #davx #mupdf #newpipe #scrambledexif #AllThatDontFitAnymore #ilovefs #libreoffice #vim #mutt #gnupg #tmux #gcc #gdb #clang #git #ctags #idutils
@dada ce ne sera jamais aussi beau que les threads sur #Usenet.
Les arborescences sous #slrn sont de toute beauté (il faut que le message initial soit légèrement trollesque).
Il y en a aussi qui ne jurent que par la représentation graphique de #MacSoup.
#usenet #slrn #macsoup #nostalgie