Hello #Astrodon ! I still feel #NewHere so here’s an #introduction . I’m an #extragalactic astronomer at the #OpenUniversity in the UK, interested in submm blobs, strong gravitational lensing, #MachineLearning applications, crowdsourced data mining (#CitizenScience), and #OpenScience. I do fun stuff in the European Open Science Cloud #EOSC and work with #Euclid, #LSST #DESC #SLSC, #Herschel, #ALMA, #HST, #JWST and pretty much anything that’ll give me observational data tbh
#jwst #hst #alma #herschel #slsc #desc #lsst #euclid #EOSC #openscience #citizenscience #machinelearning #openuniversity #extragalactic #introduction #newhere #Astrodon