A few folks on the (IGDN #goty winning) #slugblaster Discord hacked together a d66 table full of adventure hooks revolving around slushie machines.
It was a lot of fun crowdsourcing ieas; we came up with some funny stuff. We'll surely do it again in the future.
You can get it for free here: https://dmrawlings.itch.io/slushfest-199x
So VERY pleased to say that the #slugblaster #bundle for Teen Mental Health has reached its stretch goal of $690!*
As is tradition, participants of the bundle (like me) are now moving the goal posts even further out.
So we now have 21 days to see if we can get to an even $1000 (which would more than double our original $420 goal).
If you want to help out, check us out here: https://itch.io/b/1877/slugblaster-bundle-for-teen-mental-health
* It says 675 but we have another hidden donor
Had a great session zero and crazed start of a run with the #TTRPG #Slugblaster! Still juggling how to run the game but it’s already clearly great fun!
I should mention that #slugblaster is currently running a "Bundle for Teen Mental Health"
You can pick the main game as well as 10 other Slugblaster jam projects for $15 (with all proceeds going to Mermaids (https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/)).
It's a pretty sweet deal for a great cause.
Ran a playtest on Saturday for my upcoming fantasy comedy game #DungeonPunchers and well... this is the first time I've decided to seriously test a game.
I knew I had kind, experienced testers, but it's still hard to put yourself out there. I'm extremely grateful that would spend an afternoon helping me make a better game. All of them had at least read the game whose engine I'm stealing (aka #slugblaster)
Needless to say I learned a ton, from high level concepts to finicky details: 🧵
I do apologize for the marketing blast here, but:
- It's for a great cause,
- I love what some of our collaborators made
- I love the core #slugblaster game (seriously, check it out!)
- I'm proud of my work, and am excited to show it off.
I appreciate anyone who checks it out, and will now return to my regular, occasional conversations on design threads.
I'm continuing to hack Slugblaster, and should probably talk a bit about that new project shortly. Lots of nerdy design bits there.
Charity Promotion:
Other items in the bundle (https://itch.io/b/1877/slugblaster-bundle-for-teen-mental-health) include:
- Nullana (a new world where everyone is a banana)
- Charlock (a new sinkhole-filled vegetable world)
- Wish You Were Here (4 new worlds and a hometown)
- The Bay (a new hometown)
- Big Shiny Scores (a collection of #slugblaster runs/encounters)
- 4 new signature items:
-- Emotional Riftsail
-- DEmon summoning Pentagram
-- Jailbroken Miper Phone
-- Instant Bake Gloven
Really cool work by some cool designers. :)
Charity Promotion:
#slugblaster is a #ttrpg written by Mikey Hamm about bored teenagers in a middle-of-nowhere prairie town who break into other dimensions with their hoverboard, get into fun shenanigans, hang out, and then try not to get in trouble with their parents.
It's visually stunning and brings out these perfect retro-future vibes from the late 90s/early 00s, and uses a great remix of the #FitD engine.
You can check it out here: https://wilkies.itch.io/slugblaster
Another successful game jam on the books... this time a zine-length supplement for #slugblaster
As always it feels pretty good to ship something, though there's always the lingering feels about the things you cut for scope.
I'm proud of the worldbuilding work I did on this one, as well as the high quality map I produced (attached).
On the other hand, I didn't go as deep on layout for this one. Using an 8.5"x5.5" page size felt kind of limiting.
Will likely promote it when the jam's over.
So I've been pretty quiet here lately.
Working on a game jam which is a bit of a passion project. Spending far too much time making a map for it (see attached).
Beyond that, I've had a chance to play Tales From The Loop and having a blast with it. That 'weird stuff happening and the adults don't get it' trope is all kinds of fun.
Running #slugblaster still, which is a complete hoot (my jam project is slugblaster-related).
@beej Scum & Villainy's great. IMO it does the best job of describing position/effect and the core loop (score/downtime/freeplay).
A few suggestions:
- Neon Black (https://notwriting.itch.io/neon-black)
- Asphalt & Trouble (https://jacobalso.itch.io/asphalt-and-trouble)
- CBR + PNK (https://emanoelmelo.itch.io/cbrpnk)
- Adrenaline (https://adrenalinerpg.itch.io/adrenaline)
Not cyberpunk, but I'm a big fan of #slugblaster, which does some neat stuff with the #fitd engine (https://wilkies.itch.io/slugblaster)
Happy Saturday! It's a good time to take a look at https://physicalgamejams.com/ -- our itch.io jam of the week this week is The Wilkie's Goody Jam. This is another jam dedicated to producing material for a single game: this time it's #Slugblaster, Mikey Hamm's game about dimension hopping teenagers on hoverboards. Note that all submissions will be compiled into a supplement, sold to earn money for Mermaids. Check it out at https://itch.io/jam/goody. #PhysicalGameJams #ttrpg
#slugblaster #PhysicalGameJams #ttrpg
@bryantd @sathariel it's not posted yet, but I expect it'll be on itch, but announced in the #slugblaster Discord (https://discord.gg/QV98uydKpD)
Happy to link it once it's live.
On December 26 I'll be joining a game jam to write a supplement for #slugblaster (my current favourite #ttrpg thing in the whole, wide world).
In the spirit of jamming I'm holding off on any design, but I wrote a bit of fiction as an anchor-piece to help me focus on what I plan to create when the time is right.
I'm pretty proud of it.
I ran #slugblaster yesterday, which is a game about hoverboarding teens sneaking off into other dimensions and getting into trouble.
This session was the MUCH anticipated Y2K episode.
The characters were invited to a house party where they avoided the cops, snuck into the dad's office & messed with with an artefact recovered from another dimension.
At the stroke of midnight, the artefact zapped the M-Cast gaming system and transported the entire house into a strange video game dimension. 🧵
@signalstation There's a few things I find compelling.
I've played a lot of fantasy in my day, and am seeking experiences that shake it up a bit. #slugblaster is a game about teenagers doing teenaged stuff and that just hits differently for me. Having grown up in a fairly small town I relate to the setting.
An example: my players decided that they wanted to break in their new hangout by hopping into another dimension and stealing a cool sign. No other game would inspire that kind of mission.
#slugblaster is currently the IT game for me (https://wilkies.itch.io/slugblaster).
How am I trying to get others to run and play it?
- Running a game of my own
- Encouraging others to listen to an AP (https://www.quantumkickflip.com/)
- Chatting about it freely online.
Straight up promoting a game is hard nowadays. The indie games community is so averse to being advertised to, so I just make telling stories about my experiences the priority.