National Rent Control? It’s Closer Than You Think.
A historic wave of tenant organizing is on the verge of winning renter protections that would be attached to federal loans—affecting 1 in 4 apartments. But Greystar, Blackstone, and AvalonBay are spending millions to block it.
They're a part of a coalition of massive landlords, baks, and investors who are pooling resources to block rent control and renter protection policies.
One of the biggest landlord industry lobbying groups is called the National Multifamily Housing Council. That group has spent almost $10 million lobbying against rent control.
Despite this opposition, we're seeing one of the largest upticks in tenant organizing since the 1970s, as renters across the country face worsening housing crisis. Groups like KC Tenants are at the forefront of this movement, fighting to stop unfair rent hikes and corporate slumlords..
#pricegouging #pricefixing #abusiverent #slumlords #economicassault #tenantorganizing #renterprotection #rentcontrol #rent
#pricegouging #pricefixing #abusiverent #slumlords #economicassault #TenantOrganizing #renterprotection #rentcontrol #rent
#slumlords #housingcrisis #globalhousingcrisis #lowincomehousing #inhumaneconditions #risingrents #SanJose #California
#slumlords #housingcrisis #Globalhousingcrisis #LowIncomeHousing #inhumaneconditions #risingrents #sanjose #california #kdftenantsassociation
LANSINGography: Unsafe housing in Lansing: Red tags
Map of unsafe housing in Lansing. Resolution is low to protect resident privacy.
#lansing #michigan #housing #slumlords #lovelansing
Austin Texas #overdeveloped #gentrification #slumlords
#overdeveloped #gentrification #slumlords
Oh god my fucking letting agent. 😂 I have to laugh or I will cry / burn the place down in rage.
Me: The agent has repeatedly ignored my complaints
Them: No he hasn't. The proof is that no other property is in a state of disrepair.
Rental site: *uploads photos of empty property (abandoned by tenant due to disrepair) beneath me with a ceiling and carpet covered in black mould and signs of last scrubbing.*
No. I won't cover his name up.
#fucklandlords #alllandlordsareleeches #slumlords
#GEORGIA #VOTE #HERSCHELWALKER The #scandals of #Warnock
#MISAPPROPRIATION OF #CAMPAIGN FUNDS? “SLUMLORD”? When landlords try to take advantage of #lowincomehousing and the #renters that live there they use to be called #slumlords When a #church run by a #politician #preacher does it, with #taxpayer funds, it’s called #charity
#georgia #vote #HerschelWalker #scandals #Warnock #misappropriation #campaign #lowincomehousing #renters #slumlords #church #Politician #preacher #taxpayer #charity
Maybe the worst example of DisasterCapitalism involves paying #rentseeker #slumlords and #propertyDevelopers millions to use their deserted, #highriseHellholes as #hotelQuarantine (or glorified #prisons).
And we're sure at some point these people will be put to work to click on #advertising soon to get free #quarantine. We could call it #reeducationHotels or #concentrationHotels.
The #DisasterCorporatism needs to stop.
#rentseeker #slumlords #propertyDevelopers #highriseHellholes #hotelQuarantine #prisons #advertising #quarantine #reeducationHotels #concentrationHotels #disasterCorporatism
We always wondered whether #gatedCommunities were a good solution to #extremeInequality and #gentrification.
#overdevelopment #slumlords #landlords #inquality #tenementSlums #slums #apartments #landSpeculation #speculateThis
#gatedCommunities #extremeInequality #gentrification #overdevelopment #slumlords #landlords #inquality #tenementSlums #slums #apartments #landSpeculation #speculateThis