Ce soir, on a mangé du curry épinards pommes de terre / alu palak kari ! Miam 👍 #miam #vegetarian #vegetarien #slurp
#miam #vegetarian #vegetarien #slurp
Sip your coffee dear
Take care it's still hot and then
Let's go back to bed
#haiku #slurp #smallpoems #amwriting #morning #weekends
@katzenschiff mit etwas Höhenunterschied und Schlauch sollte es eigentlich sauber gehen. #slurp
Soep. Ben er gek op. Dit weekend aten we al Belgische sperziebonen soep en Japanse Miso noodle soep. Komende week gegrilde tomaten-paprika soep. Helaas ben ik een erg enthousiaste eter, zullen we maar zeggen. Er zal altijd wat soep op de tafel en mijn kleding belanden 🤷
#slabbetje #spatscherm #knoeiereersteklas #soeppie #slurp
@aethelshane #haiku #575prompt
Spoonful steaming soup
Russian borscht fresh from the stove
Rushing down my throat
Questo é il classico periodo dell' anno in cui materializzi che devi dimagrire #slurp
Just arrived back home after work period in the east fjords of this erupting rock and immediately went ahead and started experimented making my own steak butter with the newly arrived straight from South Chicago #American Wagyu Beef Tallow. Ended up making 2kg of various types of steak butters and of course I currently have a steak in the sous vide pot to try it out with. #food #slurp
Ja nyt aamukahvit naamioon
#slurp #hifistikahvi #pienpaahtimo
#highonlife #rickandmorty #justinroiland #slurp #pc #gamepass #retoamstrad #buoh
#highonlife #rickandmorty #justinroiland #slurp #pc #gamepass #RetoAMSTRAD #buoh
Doctor ¿ Dónde te has metido ?
#highonlife #rickandmorty #justinroiland #slurp #pc #gamepass #retoamstrad #buoh
#highonlife #rickandmorty #justinroiland #slurp #pc #gamepass #RetoAMSTRAD #buoh
! Modo detective activado ¡
#highonlife #rickandmorty #justinroiland #slurp #pc #gamepass #retoamstrad #buoh
#highonlife #rickandmorty #justinroiland #slurp #pc #gamepass #RetoAMSTRAD #buoh
2023. I'm wishing everyone a happy new year before I kill them by sucking every drop of blood from their veins. Ironic huh?
#Vampire #undeadAndLovingIt #happynewyear #slurp
"C'est quoi cette bouteille de lait ?"
Lait de fermes locales, entier, pasteurisé, en bouteille consignée.
Et comment c'est trop bon ! Slurp ! Rien à voir avec du lait industriel !
1,50€ le litre (2,50€ au premier achat pour la bouteille)
À Pau, dans une boutique du quartier des halles "La laiterie paloise" artisan fromager et affineur local.
#miam #slurp #consommation #pau