@SamuelBepis it is. Unfortunately there's a whole load more stuff which is less good. This is a good summary of the problems:
And also this:
Currently searching for great #GM tips for #TTRPG. I'm digesting #montecook's #YourBestGameEver, #SlyFlourish's Return of the Lszy DM, and Chris McDowall's Electric Bastionland, mining for good, system agnostic ideas. Smart prep is a lot of the difference, but also some interesting under the hood tricks to make the game more interesting for players (and fun for me!)
Any other tips on quality GM resources along a similar vein?
#gm #ttrpg #montecook #yourbestgameever #slyflourish
@slyflourish P.S. I should credit the fact that I first heard of #SlyFlourish thanks to the #TotalPartyKill podcast on #TheIncomparable network.
#slyflourish #totalpartykill #theincomparable