Welcome to Last Chance by Hope Ramsay https://booksofmyheart.net/2023/09/06/welcome-to-last-chance-by-hope-ramsay/ #4Hearts, #SmallTown
Small town morning walk, part 2 🌇
#williams #california #williamscalifornia #morningwalk #vacation #nothingtoseehere #stopover #photography #travelphotography #smalltownusa #smalltown #smalltownphotography #fuji #fujifilmxs10 #fujinonxf1680mmf4roiswr #classicchrome #filmsimulation #editedincaptureone
#williams #california #williamscalifornia #morningwalk #vacation #nothingtoseehere #stopover #photography #travelphotography #smalltownusa #smallTown #smalltownphotography #fuji #fujifilmxs10 #fujinonxf1680mmf4roiswr #classicchrome #FilmSimulation #editedincaptureone
Small town morning walk, part 1 🌾
#williams #california #williamscalifornia #morningwalk #vacation #nothingtoseehere #stopover #photography #travelphotography #smalltownusa #smalltown #smalltownphotography #fuji #fujifilmxs10 #fujinonxf1680mmf4roiswr #classicchrome #filmsimulation #editedincaptureone
#williams #california #williamscalifornia #morningwalk #vacation #nothingtoseehere #stopover #photography #travelphotography #smalltownusa #smallTown #smalltownphotography #fuji #fujifilmxs10 #fujinonxf1680mmf4roiswr #classicchrome #FilmSimulation #editedincaptureone
The Bitter Past by Bruce Borgos https://booksofmyheart.net/2023/08/16/the-bitter-past-by-bruce-borgos/ #5Hearts, #Police, #SmallTown, #Spies
#spies #smallTown #police #5hearts
Love and Revenge Collide in Sugar Creek Falls.
Love Schemes Clouded Dreams by Kimberly Readnour is releasing August 15, 2023!
Pre-order your copy today!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3s7b5Gk
Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/OQZQ
Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3X4u27L
#kimberlyreadnour #RomanticComedy #AgeGap #BestFriendsSibling #EnemiestoLovers #FirstLove #ReturningtoHometown #SecondChance #SiblingsBestFriend #SmallTown #valentineprlm
#valentineprlm #smallTown #siblingsbestfriend #secondchance #returningtohometown #firstlove #enemiestolovers #bestfriendssibling #agegap #romanticcomedy #kimberlyreadnour
🎧 Diggin' Up the Dirt by Tonya Kappes https://booksofmyheart.net/2023/08/02/%f0%9f%8e%a7-diggin-up-the-dirt-by-tonya-kappes/ #3.5Hearts, #AudioBookReview, #Ghosts, #Police, #SmallTown
#smallTown #police #ghosts #audiobookreview
What happens when a star begins to fade?
Rocked by Julia Wolf has a gorgeous new cover!
Get your copy today!
#Smalltown #SingleMom #JuliaWolf ​#bookclub #bookish #booklover #booksta #bookstagram #bookworm #readersofig #readersofinstagram #valentineprlm
#valentineprlm #readersofinstagram #readersofig #bookworm #bookstagram #booksta #booklover #bookish #bookclub #juliawolf #singlemom #smallTown
Tempt Me by Samantha Chase is on sale for $2.99 in audio only on Chirp!
Listen to all of the Donovans series books now!
Chirp: https://bit.ly/3rOycFs
Narrated by: Carly Robins
On sale in the series:
Dare Me $3.99
Tempt Me $2.99
Save Me $3.99
Charm Me $8.99
Kiss Me $16.99
#ContemporaryRomance #FamilySaga #AlphaHero #EnemiestoLovers #GrumpySunshine #Holiday #NeighborstoLovers #OppositesAttract #SmallTown #valentineprlm
#valentineprlm #smallTown #oppositesattract #neighborstolovers #holiday #GrumpySunshine #enemiestolovers #alphahero #familysaga #contemporaryromance
Why, yes, I did just start a loaf of whole wheat in the bread machine.
Easier than driving to the store, 10 miles away.
Our little burg (as Dad used to call it) has no traffic lights, a handful of stop signs, no amenities (grocer, convenience store, gas station), an elementary school for K through 4, a bank, a post office, and two churches.
Town Hall is the garage for snowplow.
I remember a blacksmith, a grocery store, and a gas station. Gone now.
"'You're the lube in my chain': A RAGBRAI #wedding" https://ragbrai.com/youre-the-lube-in-my-chain-a-ragbrai-wedding-at-the-craft-beer-tent/ by Courtney Crowder, co-director of “Shift: The RAGBRAI Documentary."
More of Courtney's reports on the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (#RAGBRAI), which celebrated 50 years in 2023. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/search/?q=courtney+crowder
#BikeTooter #Midwest #Iowa #Community #SmallTown #bicycling #cycling
#wedding #ragbrai #BikeTooter #midwest #iowa #community #smallTown #Bicycling #cycling
Logan Whitmere, the handsome owner of a traveling circus, offers Sienna a way out of the small town... except he has secrets she'll uncover.
Red Flags by Skye Warren is releasing August 15, 2023!
Pre-order your copy today!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3DyimkW
Apple Books: https://bit.ly/4413BCl
Nook: https://bit.ly/3p3fqZR
Kobo: https://bit.ly/42GTPUP
Google Play: Coming Soon!
Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/45YxrJD
#smallTown #contemporaryromance #skyewarren
In Hunter Valley, it's open season on men.
Man Candy by Vanessa Vale is now available in audio!
Start listening today!
Narrated by Kylie Stewart
Man Candy is a small-town billionaire romance with a hot-as-puck hockey hero and a wannabe romance writer. With all the books in the On A Manhunt series, it's open season on men.
#vanessavale #ContemporaryRomance #AgeGap #AlphaHero #Athlete #Billionaire #BoyObsessed #CloseProximity #LoveatFirstSight #SmallTown #Sports
#sports #smallTown #LoveatFirstSight #closeproximity #boyobsessed #billionaire #athlete #alphahero #agegap #contemporaryromance #vanessavale
Saying "I Do" to her boss seemed like a harmless solution to a potentially harmful problem. But the only problem now is that she wants the marriage to be real.
Amazon: https://amzn.to/43vBSJv
Apple Books: https://geni.us/KissMe-Apple
Nook: https://geni.us/KissMe-Nook
Kobo: https://geni.us/KissMe-Kobo
Google Play: https://bit.ly/3AqWoik
Audible: https://amzn.to/43CtMPh
Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3V4oDMZ
#ContemporaryRomance #AdultRomance #FamilySaga #SmallTown #TragicPast #WorkplaceRomance
#workplaceromance #tragicpast #smallTown #familysaga #adultromance #contemporaryromance
The Simple Wild series by K.A. Tucker is now available FREE in #kindleunlimited
Read the series today!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/43rm7mw
Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/TheSimpleWild
#KATucker #TheSimpleWild #TheSimpleWildseries #Smalltown #AlaskaRomance #FishOutofWater #EnemiestoLovers #NeighborstoLovers #valentineprlm
#valentineprlm #neighborstolovers #enemiestolovers #fishoutofwater #alaskaromance #smallTown #thesimplewildseries #thesimplewild #katucker #kindleunlimited
Just a reminder that my #friendstolovers #smalltown #contemporaryromance novella, "Rose in Bloom," is free of charge through the end of July.
#friendstolovers #smallTown #contemporaryromance #readingcommunity #bookstodon #indieauthor
Kiss Me by Samantha Chase is releasing July 18, 2023!
Pre-order your copy today!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3rn3mDt
Apple Books: https://geni.us/KissMe-Apple
Nook: https://geni.us/KissMe-Nook
Kobo: https://geni.us/KissMe-Kobo
Google Play: https://bit.ly/3AqWoik
Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3V4oDMZ
#ContemporaryRomance #AdultRomance #FamilySaga #BossEmployee #BoyFallsFirst #CloseProximity #FakeRelationship #FriendstoLovers #MarriageofConvenience #RoommatestoLovers #Protector #SmallTown #WorkplaceRomance
#workplaceromance #smallTown #protector #roommatestolovers #marriageofconvenience #friendstolovers #FakeRelationship #closeproximity #boyfallsfirst #bossemployee #familysaga #adultromance #contemporaryromance
He’s the GOAT of the NFL. She’s a hot-headed reporter who despises him. They’re in the same small town for the summer. What could possibly go wrong?
Releasing July 27, 2023
Pre-order today!
Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3HgjBav
#enemiestolovers #smalltownromance #footballromance #sportsromance #cottonwoodcoveseries #laurapavlov #ContemporaryRomance #NewAdultRomance #Sports #AlphaHero #SmallTown #coverreveal #valentineprlm
#valentineprlm #coverreveal #smallTown #alphahero #sports #NewAdultRomance #contemporaryromance #laurapavlov #cottonwoodcoveseries #sportsromance #footballromance #smalltownromance #enemiestolovers
A grumpy vs sunshine, age-gap, romantic suspense set in the Scottish Highlands.
Beyond the Thistles by Samantha Young is releasing May 2, 2023!
Pre-order your copy today!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/43td2Lt
Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/BeyondtheThistles
Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3rAzSik
#romanticsuspense #agegapromance #grumpysunshine #bodyguardromance #RomanticSuspense #OntheRun #OppositesAttract #Protector #Redemption #SingleMother #SingleParent #SmallTown #valentineprlm
#valentineprlm #smallTown #singleparent #singlemother #redemption #protector #oppositesattract #ontherun #bodyguardromance #GrumpySunshine #agegapromance #romanticsuspense
Unforgettable by Willow Aster is releasing April 20, 2023!
Pre-order your copy today!
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/3xnOggI
#unforgettable #willowaster #unforgettablewillowaster #unforgettablelandmarkmountain #landmarkmountainseries #ContemporaryRomance #NewAdultRomance #SmallTown #OneNightStand #EnemiestoLovers #GrumpySunshine #BoyFallsFirst #WorkplaceRomance #valentineprlm
#valentineprlm #workplaceromance #boyfallsfirst #GrumpySunshine #enemiestolovers #onenightstand #smallTown #NewAdultRomance #contemporaryromance #landmarkmountainseries #unforgettablelandmarkmountain #unforgettablewillowaster #willowaster #unforgettable
Rising by Micalea Smeltzer is releasing April 20, 2023!
Pre-order your copy today!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3GG8Oq7
Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/ArXA
Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3VLaymA
#micaleasmeltzer #ContemporaryRomance #NewAdultRomance #Rockstar #AccidentalPregnancy #Angsty #SmallTown #bookclub #bookish #booklover #booksta #bookstagram #bookworm #readersofig #readersofinstagram #valentineprlm
#valentineprlm #readersofinstagram #readersofig #bookworm #bookstagram #booksta #booklover #bookish #bookclub #smallTown #angsty #accidentalpregnancy #rockstar #NewAdultRomance #contemporaryromance #micaleasmeltzer