#Children reaching #UK in #SmallBoats sent to #jail for adult #SexOffenders -
#HumanRights group finds growing number of cases of minors held among prisoners
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/aug/27/children-reaching-uk-in-small-boats-sent-to-jail-for-adult-sex-offenders #ToryPoliciesInAction #ToryInhumanity #asylum #Refugees
#refugees #asylum #toryinhumanity #torypoliciesinaction #humanrights #sexoffenders #jail #smallboats #uk #children
This is just grotesque. Hideous state brutality towards the innocent and vulnerable. There is nothing illegal about trying to seek sanctuary in a safe country.
Children reaching #UK in #smallBoats sent to jail for adult sex offenders
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/aug/27/children-reaching-uk-in-small-boats-sent-to-jail-for-adult-sex-offenders?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #BrokenBritain #NotInMyName #Scotland #RefugeesWelcomeGere
#refugeeswelcomegere #scotland #notinmyname #brokenbritain #smallboats #uk
‘‘#SmallBoats week’ ignores wider context of #IrregularImmigration in UK
Headline numbers overshadow fact that most #asylum seekers come by plane and other countries face higher figures
#torypoliciesinaction #asylum #irregularimmigration #smallboats
Right. "People's priority is stopping the #SmallBoats."
No, it bloody well isn't. People's priority is stopping the Tories.
European police actions on the English Channel: German authorities prevent smuggling from the EU:
Hundreds of life jackets seized by the Federal Police can now no longer be used to make crossings safer.
#EMPACT #SmallBoats #Europol
Where are the #wealthy moving to, perhaps to avoid social unrest or #climatechange?
Very handily to answer that very Q. FT Lex have provided a chart.
This is a very different world to the #migrants we normally hear about on the news
Unlikely any of these folk are on #smallboats having paid ready cash to a people smuggler....
#wealthy #climatechange #migrants #smallboats
British Tourists wait on beaches for small boats to evacuate them to safety...... oh the irony.
I was disgusted with #ITVNews reporter saying 'the spirit of dunkirk' xenophobes everywhere.
Brits at the airport without passports....
#ITVNews #uk #ukpol #ukpolitics #smallboats
Strong stuff from Steve Bell this morning on #migrants, #smallboats & accommodation barges....
Steve Bell on #migrant barges and boats - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/picture/2023/jul/19/steve-bell-on-migrant-barges-and-boats #SmallBoats #Immigration #asylum #ToryPoliciesInAction #ToryInhumanity
#toryinhumanity #torypoliciesinaction #asylum #immigration #smallboats #migrant
"UK illegal migration bill to become law as government sees off Lords challenge"
This is England, the land of performative cruelty.
#migrants #SmallBoats #PerformativeCruelty #IllegalMigrationBill
#migrants #smallboats #performativecruelty #illegalmigrationbill
Yes, the Tories’ #migration bill is bad – but the lack of Commons scrutiny is more disturbing still - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/13/tories-migration-bill-parliament-rebel-mps-debate #SmallBoats #asylum
#asylum #smallboats #migration
#Brexit promised a ‘Global Britain’ where we’d strike incredible trade deals all around the globe, free from the shackles of the #EU. So far, presumably using our new found freedom to disregard troublesome EU human rights protections, we’ve given £120m to #Rwanda to receive the ‘undesirables’ who arrived in #SmallBoats. And we’ve shipped precisely zero persons under this new deal. It’s almost as though something isn’t right here.
#illegalmigrationbill #migration
#migration #illegalmigrationbill #smallboats #rwanda #EU #Brexit
"Foreign Office warns Britons over travel to France during riots"
Ah, so France is not a safe country. I mean, the French are always rioting over something or other.
#migrants #refugees #smallboats #franceriots
"Government defeated as Lords force small boats bill to comply with international law"
Who are these unelected do-gooders to tell His Majesty's Government that it may not engage in illegal activities?
#migration #refugees #smallboats
'It's ridiculous!': Tom Swarbrick reacts to £169,000 estimated cost of deporting migrants from Home Office data - LBC https://apple.news/AY1BhqFVQSUaFEgO-kIIRiQ #smallboats #uk #suella #tories
#smallboats #uk #suella #tories
So #RishiSunak says the #SmallBoats crossings are down by 20% on this time last year.
Well know who knew that #Sunak#SuellaBraverman and the #HomeOffice thinks they could control the weather, and the tides like King Canute? 🤦♂️
Could this "government" be any more deluded (this is not a challenge).
#ToryFascistDictatorship #TorySewageParty #ToryScandals #Tory
#tory #toryscandals #TorySewageParty #ToryFascistDictatorship #homeoffice #Sunak #smallboats #rishisunak
"Channel migrants 'quickly turn to crime' when they arrive in Britain, Home Secretary claims"
Tories quickly turn to crime when they join the Conservative Party.
#migrants #smallboats #suellabraverman
📸 Yesterday, activists made thousands of pink paper #smallboats and floated them on the "moat" outside the UK Home Office, in protest at the government's hostility to migrants arriving by sea.
#TheBigOne #Migration #Activism #Protest #Protests #Photography #Photographer #London #XR #ExtinctionRebellion #SuellaBraverman ©
#smallboats #thebigone #migration #activism #protest #protests #photography #photographer #london #xr #extinctionrebellion #suellabraverman
#Lords could defeat plan to ignore #ECHR #SmallBoats rulings, ministers warned
Former head of judiciary says move by #UK could amount to ‘symbolic #BreachOfTheRuleOfLaw’
#ToryPoliciesInAction #ToryHypocrisy
#toryhypocrisy #torypoliciesinaction #breachoftheruleoflaw #uk #smallboats #echr #lords
As the poorest countries in the world heat up and food becomes harder to find, people are going to have to leave in search of a safer home. The small boats situation is going to get worse and worse as people try and escape the effects of climate change. The Tory government don't appear to have any plan for this other than letting them drown in the channel. What can we do? What do we think the solution is?
#immigration #smallboats #climatechange