The angriest little #wildbike in all of #Berlin #smallbutfierce Do NOT unleash the beast!
#wildbike #berlin #smallbutfierce
It doesn’t help that I don’t actually have the rules for Artificers so I don’t really know what they *do*. So far his favorite spell is Catapult.
#TTRPG #DnD #DnD5e #MagicItems #Artificer #Kobold #SmallButFierce
#ttrpg #DnD #dnd5e #magicitems #artificer #kobold #smallbutfierce
My 10th level group has an artificer, who seems really underpowered. They just found a stash of magic items collected by a dwarven arcane brotherhood, so I want to include some items that will help boost our little Kobold artificer. Ideas?
#TTRPG #DnD #DnD5e #MagicItems #Artificer #Kobold #SmallButFierce
#ttrpg #DnD #dnd5e #magicitems #artificer #kobold #smallbutfierce
Don't feel bad for Pluto. Instead of rings, it ended up with a cool system of moons, including giant, cracked Charon and tiny, wildly spinning Hydra.
#Pluto #SmallButFierce
Project Black Flag will be ready to playtest sooner than I thought.
I find it particularly interesting that the project was already started back in Summer.
I’m so excited I bought the T-Shirt.
#TTRPG #OpenGaming #OpenDnD #ProjectBlackFlag #KoboldPress #SmallButFierce #OGL #ORC
#ttrpg #opengaming #opendnd #projectblackflag #KoboldPress #smallbutfierce #ogl #orc