2025 Minis feature new EV powertrains and wild interiors - Enlarge / It's recognizably a mini, but with a bold modern look. (credi... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1965027 #electriccountryman #minicountryman #elecrtricmini #evminicooper #minicooperev #minicooperse #minicooper #iaamunich #cheapev #smallev #miniev #cars #mini
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Ars Technica: 2025 Minis feature new EV powertrains and wild interiors https://arstechnica.com/?p=1965027 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #electriccountryman #MiniCountryman #elecrtricmini #EVminiCooper #miniCooperev #MiniCooperSE #minicooper #IAAMunich #cheapEV #smallEV #miniEV #Cars #mini
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It’s time for Americans to embrace small cars - Enlarge / Americans bought Renault 5s in the past, can we dare dream they migh... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961798 #affordableelectriccars #smallerelectriccars #suvsaredangerous #affordablecars #affordableevs #nomoresuvs #smallcars #smallcar #cheapev #smallev #cars
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Ars Technica: It’s time for Americans to embrace small cars https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961798 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #affordableelectriccars #smallerelectriccars #SUVsaredangerous #affordablecars #affordableEVs #nomoreSUVs #smallcars #smallcar #cheapEV #smallEV #Cars
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