[image description: A technicolor penguin zooms into the piece from the left, leaving the bright rainbow of their colors behind them. This ribbon of color is visible in the background weaving amongst a march of grey panguins that moves in the opposite direction behind them. Text reads, “47, Novana ~ The Small God of Nonconformity”]
#smallgods #leemoyer #seananmcguire
ALT [image description: A beautiful face surrounded by reflective droplets rises from the dark liquid at the bottom of the picture. Coffee? Tea? The background appears to be an illuminated and highly decorative golden halo in gold and lavender, with florid details in rich blues, oranges and greens. Text reads, “41, Caffeina ~ The Small God of Liquid Consciousness”] #SmallGods
Decided to wax a little philosophic and wrote up an article about "small gods," something I tend to incorporate in my games: https://www.macmakesthings.com/updates-and-announcements/small-gods-and-their-shrines
Check it out, and feel free to beg/borrow/steal some of the shrines for your own games!
[image description: A slender being with an eraser for a head and a sharp red pencil for feet, glides effortlessly forward, her segmented arms akimbo, her right hand holding a riding crop. She leaves a clean swash of red line in her wake. Behind her, a handwritten document on parchment with stets, deles, and other marks she has left on the corpus. Text reads, “34, Editrix 9000, The Small God of Necessary Corrections.”]
[image description: A painterly oil portrait of a gray-haired fellow whose nose and eyebrows are red. His suit and striped tie are rumpled, and in his stuffed-open mouth – three of the most adorable ducklings you’ve ever seen. Text reads, “4, The Maddin’ Crowd, The Small Gods of Turduckling”]
Terry Pratchett was incredibly based.
I've only read four of his books (the first 3 Night Watch and Small Gods), so take this with a grain of salt, but the #Discworld books are full of absolutely radical stuff.
Vimes the extremely anti-authoritarian, practically anarchist policeman; Small Gods' dismantling of church hierarchy; Vetinari's absurd despotic anarcho-syndicalism; Carrot's pure optimism; Progressive Dwarf Gender issues; Golem morality and philosophy on freedom.
I could keep going, he hits just about everything. I mean hell, the books are so aggressively anti-monarchy that I'm surprised the queen survived his being knighted.
I don't know if he's consistently this cool, but I'm definitely hooked.
#Books #TerryPratchett #Fantasy #Anarchism #NightWatch #SmallGods #Radical
#discworld #books #terrypratchett #fantasy #anarchism #nightwatch #smallgods #radical
'Men should die for lies. But the truth is too precious to die for.' #SmallGods #Read
"Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum." XD 传神 #SmallGods #Read
‘ all you did was stamp around and roar and try to make people afraid. Like...like a man hitting a donkey with a stick. But people like Vorbis made the stick so good, that's all the donkey ends up believing in.’ #Read #SmallGods
I know Kirra, the Small God of Dietary Restrictions.
Maybe you do, too. She's always done her best for me under a dizzying array of changing moon phases. #SmallGods
The small god whom we all need at one time or another. #SmallGods
This travel god makes sure you are safe in space.
“Guilt was the grease in which the wheels of the authority turned.”
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
#SmallGods “Take it from me, whenever you see a bunch of buggers puttering around talking about truth and beauty and the best way of attacking Ethics, you can bet your sandals it's all because dozens of other poor buggers are doing all the real work around the place.”
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
“...rational thoughts made out of insane components.”
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
“Brother Preptil, the master of the music, had described Brutha's voice as putting him in mind of a disappointed vulture arriving too late at the dead donkey.”
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
“Last night there seemed to be a chance. Anything was possible last night. That was the trouble with last nights. They were always followed by this mornings.”
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
“You couldn’t think about how you thought. It was like opening a box with the crowbar that was inside.”
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
“You couldn’t put off the inevitable. Because sooner or later, you reached the place when the inevitable just went and waited.”
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
“History has to be observed. Otherwise it’s not history. It’s just … well, things happening one after another.”
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods