RT @AIGConservation@twitter.com
Can you help us identify this #plastic?
We've been finding these mesh tubes while conducting surveys of #brownbooby nests and shore surveys along Ascension’s coast. We need to know what they are to identify where they are coming from.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AIGConservation/status/1611052408473280514
#smallislandbigvision #brownbooby #plastic
RT @AIGConservation@twitter.com
The masked booby census results are in & 2,604 nests were recorded on the Letterbox Nature Reserve. This is the highest number recorded since their recolonisation of the Asc mainland in 2004 after a successful feral cat eradication
#smallislandBIGVISION #Seabirds
📸Vicky Knight
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AIGConservation/status/1599742702840557568
#seabirds #smallislandbigvision
#DY159: mit RRS Discovery
Diese Aufnahmen zeigen ein grosses Feld Glasschwämme an einem Seeberg. Ein jahrhunderte altes, ganz eigenes Ökosystem.
Die Tiefseefischerei (z b Granatbarsch) zerstört solche Schwamm-u Korallenwälder innerhalb kürzester Zeit
RT @AscensionMPA@twitter.com
Incredible number of glass sponges at Grattan seamount #DY159
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AscensionMPA/status/1594599125110165506