Ferrous · @ferrous
846 followers · 1123 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

I made a video of 'On Smallness and Power'.

I used lots of footage of skies over , and a couple of short clips of @scrappapertiger and our dog, Kifl, and a few little clips of other things.

I hope you enjoy it.

, , ,

#timelapse #Edinburgh #slomo #smallness #power #politics #clouds

Last updated 2 years ago

Ferrous · @ferrous
836 followers · 1097 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

I wrote 'On Smallness and Power' back in 2018.

I think a lot of effort has gone into convincing people to feel powerless, or to feel empowered by things which don't actually achieve much, and certainly don't threaten the status quo.

It's easy to feel small, in a neoliberal society. To feel like none of the options we're presented with will make much difference. Which they probably won't - that's why we need to look out for courses of action that we're *not* presented with.

Anyway, I made a recording and put it on . I'll be turning it into a video soon, but for now here's the :
On and -

#soundcloud #audio #smallness #power

Last updated 2 years ago

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now) · @smallcircles
4621 followers · 181 posts · Server social.coop

Small is Beautiful 💚

Let's make Theory of an official field of and experimentation serving the purpose of finding human and holistic ?

What are you saying? It is already a field?

Then jump on it, as and can fit anyone..

#smallishuge #sustainability #prosperity #research #smallness

Last updated 2 years ago

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now) · @smallcircles
4621 followers · 181 posts · Server social.coop

@neauoire @ajroach42

One thing that comes to my mind when thinking of fediverse and corpo takeovers.. if we design without requirements, ie. for and , then our apps will be to corporates, what garlick is to vampires, and maybe even like silver is to werewolves :)

#smalltech #smallness #scalability

Last updated 2 years ago

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now) · @smallcircles
4621 followers · 181 posts · Server social.coop

@neauoire @ajroach42 this is great 💚

I have a personal philosophy that goes like: "Small is Huge".

In light of the manifesto it'd turn into:

"Small is good, small is all, small is huge!"

In other words, not only a conviction that is generally good and ready for widespread applicability, but the realization of the magnitude of that insight.


Last updated 2 years ago

ar.al🌻 · @aral
25039 followers · 19533 posts · Server mastodon.ar.al

Fediverse server admins: have you considered putting a limit on the number of people that can join your instance?

If not, please do.

(This should really be a feature in fediverse servers like Mastodon, etc. “Max occupancy” or something with an auto-shutoff when it’s reached.)

Remember, small is beautiful ;)

If nothing else, I’m sure none of you want to become mini Zuckerbergs or Musks – eww – so let’s make sure we set the right incentives from the start.

#smallness #scale #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago