Richard Pierce · @tettig
502 followers · 4810 posts · Server


That night,
I carved strange symbols
Into my skin,
The asymmetry of my mind
Becoming strangely
Geometrically ordered shapes
On my forearms,
The only part of my body I ever

The pen didn’t run, and the
Messages I dripped
Onto the parchment of me
Filled me with calm
Although my heart was
Racing in the shortness of
The hours left.

#smallstories #smallpoems #carve #MastoPrompt

Last updated 1 year ago

RJClik · @Joncollick
31 followers · 521 posts · Server


In evening mist,
Faces fade to silhouettes
Consciousness fails……..

#smallstories #microfiction #poetry #smallpoems #silhouette #MastoPrompt

Last updated 1 year ago

Lev Petrovitch · @levpetrovitch
300 followers · 1418 posts · Server


choseoning everybody seems the right strategy

#microfiction #smallstories #tootfic

Last updated 1 year ago

freetobeme · @freetobeme
12 followers · 72 posts · Server

What were your results, they said, or shouted, and they meant it.
Nothing else mattered but top marks.
But tests were too stressful, my brain refused to work, I didn`t remember a single thing I read up on, the words danced across the page out of reach.
Instead I sat, listened to birdsong, gazed out the window watching clouds dance across the sky, and wished I had not turned up, just taken the inevitable fail without the wasting of the time

#mastoprompt #results #microfiction #smallstories

Last updated 1 year ago

freetobeme · @freetobeme
12 followers · 72 posts · Server

What were your results, they said, or shouted, and they meant it.
Nothing else mattered but top marks. But tests were too stressful, my brain refused to work, I didn`t remember a single thing I read up on, the words danced across the page out of reach.
Instead I sat, listened to birdsong, gazed out the window watching clouds dance across the sky, and wished I had not turned up, just taken the inevitable fail without the wasting of the time

#mastoprompt #results #microfiction #smallstories

Last updated 1 year ago

skribe 🇺🇦 :verified_mustard: · @skribe
182 followers · 3007 posts · Server

“How am I supposed to defeat even one giant let alone an entire empire?” En fretted.
“You must out-think them,” Kobanongar the hunchback, told him.
“Even If I had the heads of the six smartest people, in my father’s kingdom, a single giant would be smarter.”
“If you had the heads of the six smartest people, you’d be considered a tyrant and have even bigger problems.” The Hunchback said, wryly.
“Are you going to help me or not?” En snapped. “You’re a wizard. Can’t you do something?”
“I am but as you see me, Highness” the hunchback bowed low. “I can do much, but I cannot lead your father’s armies against this foe.”
En snorted.
“Highness, you are a powerful wizard in your own right. Can you not defeat this enemy with your own magic?”
“Of course not. The giants have a counter spell for every enchant.”
“So, you must out-think them.”
“And we’re back to becoming a tyrant again.”
En paced across the room, back and forward. He mumbled to himself as he grappled with this damnable quandary.
Kobanongar watched him, almost as though he expected something wonderous to happen before his eyes. Gradually, a smile formed on the hunchback’s twisted face.
“We need allies,” En said, stopping. “The legends tell of a beings that dwell in the north-west. Their name translates as beasts of light.”
“Elfs,” Kobanongar said.
“Do you know of them?”
“I know a little.”
“Would they join our cause?”
“Eventually even they will be threatened by the giants.”
“No, it will take something much greater than the giants to rouse them to action.”
“What is greater than a giant?”
“Chaos manifested. Demons and other fiends. They forced the elfs to flee their home an age ago.”
“You know a lot for someone that knows so little about elfs.”
The hunchback bowed his head. “Highness, I have an idea,” he said. “It will take years, and it feels unlikely that we will survive it but-”
“That is ever a risk. What must we do?”
“What I must do, I will reveal to you at a later time. However, what you must do is learn the language of the elfs.”
“And you will teach me?”
“I will. It was my folk that talk them how to speak. Just as they taught your folk to speak.”
En scoffed, “You are mistaken, my friend. A messenger from the gods, Choalú, taught Men to speak. It says so in the Sacred Scrolls.”
Kobanongar smiled, “Highness, Choalú was an elf.”
– The Scrolls of Tegalie - The Blade of En.

#smallstories #microfiction #scrollsoftegalie

Last updated 1 year ago

AmbientDread · @ambientdread
40 followers · 829 posts · Server

I was glad to have a dragon as a friend. Whenever a nasty mosquito attempted to ruin my night, my friend the dragon would fight them.
The mosquitos were so much terrified by this, that now I can sleep without being awoken by them. Dragons are great.
What, you want to know how the dragon fought the mosquitos? He simply opened his mouth around them.

#tootfic #microfiction #smallstories

Last updated 1 year ago

Sylvia · @sylvia
214 followers · 458 posts · Server

What does one do when ones crush puts up a banner with a typo?
Does one talk to him? No, that would be too sensible.
So, I walked to the bakery in the middle of the night, armed with a ladder and Sharpie.
Place ladder? Check.
Turn the c into an e? Check.
Get down the ladder and escape with grace? Not so much.
“Hello Suze.”
I shrieked and fell into his arms.
He smiled, “You okay?”
He grinned, “Couldn’t resist my lure, eh?”
I had to kiss him.

#microfiction #smallstories #MastoPrompt

Last updated 1 year ago

AmbientDread · @ambientdread
38 followers · 787 posts · Server

Whose cide are you on?
all becide the point
because all cides are final

for Monday 21st August is:

#MastoPrompt #regicide #smallpoems #poetry #microfiction #smallstories

Last updated 1 year ago

Evelyn · @gorfram
649 followers · 17230 posts · Server

@tanweerdar As Viscount Sir Ainsworth Reginald of Neidertweedles slid his dagger into the all-too-mortal flesh beneath my ermine robe, one final thought rose within my dying mind: “Reggie is no longer on my side.”

#regicide #MastoPrompt #microfiction #smallstories

Last updated 1 year ago

Urmas Lamster · @OrdinatingAetherShow
28 followers · 107 posts · Server

"Meteor-1 to command, we are entering the venusian atmosphere, standard entry angle, ultrasonic flaps at mark 3."

Command did not answer. Neither did Meteors 2-7. Only an alien frequency faded in and out. When it peaked, it sounded like his sister from back on earth.

"...and that's a cookie for Mr. Bear. Now, who wants to bring one to dear brother, sitting in his cardboard box, making whooshing noises?"

#smallstories #tootfic #MastoPrompt #meteor

Last updated 1 year ago

Maisie Summers · @maisiesummers
275 followers · 1874 posts · Server


The meteor remnant sat in the crater, clinking quietly as it cooled. Townsfolk gathered around watching curiously.
Suddenly the remnant cracked open, and the creature burst forth, ready to begin conquering this measly planet.
Shotgun pellets tore it apart; in seconds it was a lump of splattered flesh.
"You fink we ain't seen movies, mate?" one of the onlookers asked the lump rhetorically. "Fuckin' muppet."

#smallpoems #poetry #microfiction #smallstories #meteor

Last updated 1 year ago

It has been quite some time ago since I last met my dear dragon friend, I thought. Maybe I should send them a message.
But what would be a good spot to meet each other?
Suddenly, the perfect location flashes into my mind. The castle of Prague.

I can already see them, high up in the sky. I have almost reached the top of the mountain when they come down to land.
People panic. Security evacuates everyone and starts trying to shoot my friend.
When I try to reach the dragon, annoying security officers block me.
"I have to get to that dragon. They're my friend! Stop shooting!"
Nobody listens to what I say.
Well, there's only one thing I can do then...

#microfiction #tootfic #smallstories

Last updated 1 year ago

I hadn't seen my dear human friend for a while, but yesterday he sent me a message. Hence, I was on my way to Prague, peering through the mist, trying not to bump into airplanes.

There it was, the castle of Prague. My friend should be there, waiting for me.
It was a good meeting point; on top of a hill, easy to find.
As I came closer to the ground, in order to land, humans all around began to shout, to run, and some even tried to shoot me!
My friend, however, was nowhere to be seen. Where was he?
A few moments later, I finally heard him; furiously shouting at the armed humans.

#tootfic #microfiction #smallstories #dragons

Last updated 1 year ago

The Chantelier · @chantelier
31 followers · 99 posts · Server


His personality result: , said the print-out. A word dredged from history, neither prosaic enough to send for re-education, nor eccentric enough for escalation to the ruling classes.

To government service, they sent him then. There to steep in mundanity and either fall to the colourless lows of conformity - or rise, comet-like, to the glittering highs of madness.

Either way: a decision would be made.

#smallstories #microfiction #MastoPrompt #quaint

Last updated 1 year ago

Lev Petrovitch · @levpetrovitch
298 followers · 1402 posts · Server


Obviously, being a daughter born in a son body, while apparently unacceptable by the demon, they satisfies the curse: the demon could've taken them, didn't, its loss

#microfiction #tootfic #smallstories

Last updated 1 year ago

The Chantelier · @chantelier
31 followers · 99 posts · Server


"May we see it again, sir?"

The was brought out, carefully, the glass jar placed on the table. Inside, a naked hominid beat against the walls.

The professor picked up a food pellet in a pseudopod and dropped it in, where the pink creature jumped on it. It squeaked angrily, high and piping, at the edge of hearing.

"I'll have to euthanize it soon, budlings. It's cruel to keep them captive for too long."

#smallstories #microfiction #MastoPrompt #specimen

Last updated 1 year ago

AmbientDread · @ambientdread
35 followers · 715 posts · Server

The future checked in
Nary a nanosecond to spare
Refused to be delayed
Ready to be played
Forget your past sin
Just dive right in

for Sunday 6th August is:

#MastoPrompt #delayed #smallpoems #poetry #microfiction #smallstories

Last updated 1 year ago

RJClik · @Joncollick
31 followers · 509 posts · Server