Are you realy learn something new with a next language ?
How to escape re learning algol from 60th 60th time ? #smalltalk, #lisp #forth
Wir reden inzwischen anders über das Wetter #smalltalk #gesellschaft
Found an interesting article through Manuel Simoni:
"HTTP was design[ed] as a distributed realization of the Objective C (originally Smalltalk) message passing infrastructure [...]
Uniform Resource Locator is just the result of squeezing the term _object reference_ through the IETF standardization process."
#Smalltalk #ObjectiveC #HTTP #WWW #WebDevelopment #WebDev #ObjectOrientedProgramming #OOP #DistributedComputing #ProgrammingLanguages #Programming
#smalltalk #objectivec #http #www #webdevelopment #webdev #objectorientedprogramming #oop #distributedcomputing #programminglanguages #programming
#Smalltalk #ObjectiveC #HTTP #WWW #WebDevelopment #WebDev #ObjectOrientedProgramming #OOP #DistributedComputing #ProgrammingLanguages #Programming
#smalltalk #objectivec #http #www #webdevelopment #webdev #objectorientedprogramming #oop #distributedcomputing #programminglanguages #programming
It is the end of #esug2023 for me. It was a really great conference with a lot of people discussing #smalltalk.
Many thanks to the organizers and local organizers for this moment.
I also participated in two #research papers for IWST. Link soon :-)
#esug2023 #smalltalk #research
Los creadores de Python, Java, TypeScript y SmallTalk harán una aparición conjunta con fines benéficos
#linuxparty #python #java #typescript #smalltalk
Creators of #Python, #Java, #TypeScript, and #SmallTalk Will Make a Joint Appearance for Charity - Slashdot
#python #java #typescript #smalltalk
#Haver now has persistent work spaces which persist the source code and the bound variables.
#smalltalk #CuisSmalltalk #cuis #haversmalltalk #Haver
I love the idea behind SmallTalk programming language. A tiny dynamic language with only a few keywords in it. Using persistence instead of serialisation/deverialisation and messages instead of methods.
#dev #code #programming #smalltalk
Gedanken am Abend
Heute war Sommerfest auf Arbeit. Da ich seit 3,5 Jahren #HomeOffice mache, kannte ich gut 75% der anwesenden Leute nicht. Mit denen, die ich kannte, bin ich kaum über #Smalltalk hinaus gekommen. Fühlte sich super anstrengend an. Es scheint, je älter ich werde, desto schwerer fällt mir Sozialisierung und desto lieber habe ich die bloße Beobachterrolle.
Der Weg nach Hause mit dem Rad war dann umso schöner und zeigte mir, warum ich Radfahren so liebe.
COMIC VIDEO: Get To The Point
#smalltalk #introvert #comic #webcomic #alarminglybad #mastoart #video
#Video #MastoArt #alarminglybad #WebComic #Comic #introvert #smalltalk
There are two kinds of OOP:
1. As invisioned by Alan Kay.
2. As implemented by Java.
For example, #Erlang, inspired by #Smalltalk, is nothing like Java OOP but it's true to Alan Kay's ideas.
I’m growing increasingly frustrated with new programming languages. I’m writing new, because I think they are not very modern. We had #LISP, #Smalltalk, and even the very strange #Forth like 40 or 50 years ago. They introduced us to REPL or interactive programming with immediate feedback cycles. Even Python hasn’t implemented that fully. Were is all of that?
@natty See #Lisp & #Smalltalk worlds and images.
They also weren't buggy about it.
Browse and Edit business objects for #Dynabook.
#smalltalk #CuisSmalltalk
#dynabook #smalltalk #CuisSmalltalk
dynamic translation of Smalltalk to WebAssembly
#programming #smalltalk #tech #wasm
If an operating system is all open-source software, like #Debian, all programs are of little significance as userspace processes. It is better to turn these apps into a codebase, so that a rookie developer can single-handedly write a Microsoft Office. You can insert any object you want to insert in it. For example, you can run the #StarCraft in #PowerPoint, you can run the Blender, you can run the KiCad, you can turn your circuit board into a map to play the StarCraft, right! This is the future of software, it is exciting to think about it. This may also be the original ideal of #smalltalk language
#debian #starcraft #powerpoint #smalltalk
Not sure why so many #golang redditors are triggered by the "ranging over functions" proposal: - it's just sugar for using an internal iterator.
#lisp #ruby #smalltalk and even #kotlin have lots of iterators that work like that. When did iterating using a HoF become "too complex" and controversial programming feature.
#kotlin #smalltalk #Ruby #Lisp #Golang
@breadbin @lorddimwit Well, but there are now new generation of #Smalltalk (Squeak) and #Lisp (zillion of them), but there is no good reimplementation of #Plan9 with the current technologies (Wayland, TTF fonts, better design of window manager … something #sway -like?), and there are no better editors for Plan9 than #ACME (
#smalltalk #Lisp #Plan9 #sway #acme
I tried #SecondLife a couple of times, years ago, but one must still interact with strangers, particularly via #SmallTalk and #ChitChat.
No, thank you. Absolutely fucking not.
That's why I don't make or have friends or acquaintances in #MeatSpace.
#meatspace #chitchat #smalltalk #secondlife