I am thoroughly disillusioned and disgusted by #BigTech.
I want a job in #SmallTech.
I want to work on small projects, beginning to end.
I want to get off of the endless Agile ouroboros.
I want to return to #SoftwareAsAProduct.
Does that even exist anymore? Or, to be more specific, does it exist without becoming a contractor or small business owner, forsaking the (relative) stability of a salaried job?
Or am I chasing a pipe dream that died before I even graduated from college?
#bigtech #smalltech #softwareasaproduct
Just got reminded in another thread of one of the last talks I gave before the pandemic hit – the opening keynote at NextM Warsaw:
Small Technology: the antidote to Big Tech
(This was before Kitten so at the end I’m demoing its precursor, Site.js. Although a lot of the core pieces are similar. If you want to see how far it has come since then, see the peer-to-peer end-to-end encrypted Kitten chat recording below¹)
¹ https://ar.al/2023/02/20/end-to-end-encrypted-kitten-chat/
After #CCCamp23, I got interested in @bits_und_baeume. I would like to share with you an amazing panel held at their last conference in 2022 on the future of information society.
We need to think of alternative ways to empower local initiatives and their voices, towards a world where #SmallTech is an established reality.
Many in #smallTech, #smallWeb and #smallEngineering believe that the greatest challenge of our time is the browser. It shouldn't be conflicted with commercial interests. We need development of a publicly funded open source browser.
#smalltech #SmallWeb #smallEngineering
I needed a pick-me-up so I took a break from the back-end stuff to make a logo for Domain¹ :)
(The main page for public instances will have a very different design before launch – one based on the prototype we created while working with the City of Ghent a few years ago.)
#SmallWeb #domain #kitten #smalltech #design
@gael those are great news!
#us #usa #fairphone #android #foss #opensource #california #sfba #lowtech #SmallWeb #SmallTech #web #tech #privacy #humanRights #personhood #democracy #BigTech #VentureCapital #VC #surveillance #capitalism #humanRights #SiliconValley #google #GAFAM
#gafam #google #siliconvalley #capitalism #surveillance #vc #venturecapital #bigtech #democracy #personhood #humanrights #privacy #tech #web #smalltech #SmallWeb #lowtech #sfba #california #opensource #foss #android #fairphone #usa #us
Just got an email saying Kitten’s been rejected for funding by Sovereign Tech Fund. No reason given.
I don’t even know why I try anymore, really.
We’ve never received a single penny of public funding for our work even though everything we make is free and open source and all our work is for the common good.
We do have a group of folks who support us via patronage – thank you all so much. It doesn’t pay the rent but it means a lot.
🥳 w00t!
12:25PM on Monday, July 24th: First successful deployment of a Small Web place since the rewrite of Domain in Kitten.
(It’s just a simple placeholder at the moment and there’s a metric shit-tonne of work left to do but this is where the real fun begins…)
#SmallWeb #smalltech #kitten #domain #place
@sitnik_ru хороший вопрос. Из технических мне нравится #smalltech, еще подписан на #go. Возможно ты найдешь что-то интересное в #frontend.
Куда писать. Я бы писал туда, с чем связан пост. Например, если ты пишешь что-то про local-first или OKLCH логично поставить соответствующий хэштег
So if you’re on Fosstodon and you thought you were following me, you’re not. Fosstodon has silenced my account.
You might be able to follow if you manually try following again.
Or maybe consider switching to a FOSS server that doesn‘t silence FOSS developers.
(Please boost if you haven’t been silenced by Fosstodon also so folks there might see. Thanks.)
#fosstodon #censorship #fediverse #mastodon #freeSoftware #openSource #privacy #SmallTech #SmallWeb
#fosstodon #censorship #fediverse #mastodon #freesoftware #opensource #privacy #smalltech #SmallWeb
@bjornbjorn Thanks, Bjørn. And hopefully doing more than just talking about it. Fingers crossed what I’ve been working on will start becoming more visible this year as some of the higher-level pieces start getting released :)
PPS. I love that the logo renders differently on different platforms. It’s the meaning that matters, not the form.
PPPS. small-web.org will be running a Domain¹ instance once Domain is ready. And Domain itself is a Kitten² app.
¹ https://codeberg.org/domain/app
² https://codeberg.org/kitten/app
#SmallWeb #smalltech #domain #kitten
eicker.news #technews »#Smalltech companies are staying #remote to attract #workers, while #BigTech goes back to the #office.« https://www.vox.com/technology/2023/6/20/23762655/tech-perk-remote-work-freedom-airbnb-yelp
#technews #smalltech #remote #workers #bigtech #office
Finally figured out the centre of my research interests: #HumaneComputing embraces/encompasses #SmallTech, #PersonalComputing and diametrically anti stovepipe applications and their #walledGarden kin.
#walledgarden #personalcomputing #smalltech #humanecomputing
@jens Wish I’d been clearer in the post: #ActivityPub will definitely scale the way #BigTech like #Meta/#P92 need it to.
In fact, at its core, any protocol – no matter how inefficient – that assumes hierarchy where one group is ruled over by another inherently favours centralisation. And Big Tech can always throw money at the problem as well as “optimise” protocols to improve economies of scale.
The alternative is #SmallWeb/p2p, where every node is equal.
#activitypub #bigtech #meta #SmallWeb #smalltech
Since the Streamiverse (streaming updates of my public Mastodon feed) and Kitten Chat (WebSocket chat examples, starting simple and leading to end-to-end-encrypted peer-to-peer Small Web chat) examples are rather long, I just added a simple WebSocket echo tutorial to the list to hopefully better highlight the basics of working with WebSockets in Kitten:
#Kitten #htmx #WebSocket #SmallWeb #SmallTech #web #dev #html #css #js
#kitten #htmx #websocket #SmallWeb #smalltech #web #dev #html #css #js
Small tech uses remote
To stay competitive today
Big Tech returns home
#smalltech #remotework #bigtech #haiku #poetry
#smalltech #remotework #bigtech #haiku #poetry
Just saw that the Fetchiverse, Streamiverse, and Kitten Chat examples in the Kitten readme were still showing the old way of doing things so I just updated them.
Respective links:
• https://codeberg.org/kitten/app#fetchiverse
• https://codeberg.org/kitten/app#streamiverse
• https://codeberg.org/kitten/app#kitten-chat
:kitten: 💕
#Kitten #SmallWeb #SmallTech #web #dev #documentation #examples
#kitten #SmallWeb #smalltech #web #dev #documentation #examples
Just updated the post I wrote about the Small Web two years ago to include Kitten and Domain:
(Basically, I want to see a web where every one of us has their own place and where we’re all equals. It’s not a complicated concept. But that doesn’t mean realising it is easy either.)
PS. If you want to support our ongoing work, please fund us. The funding we get from donations/patronage doesn’t pay the rent but it does help.