"La vuelta a la autopublicación, las páginas web personales, los y los foros gestionados por usuarios es muy necesaria, más que nunca, así como el uso de motores de búsqueda alternativos."

Christian @the_cheis en Muros digitales, tecnofeudalismo y web pequeña

#blogs #smallweb #fediverso #indieweb

Last updated 1 year ago

godteeth · @godteeth
16 followers · 164 posts · Server gnu.gl
IT Security amateur · @anedroid
29 followers · 186 posts · Server wspanialy.eu

Gdybym zakładał partię polityczną, czy "Internetowi konserwatyści" byłaby odpowiednią nazwą?


Last updated 1 year ago

Meow.tar.gz :verified: · @ablackcatstail
822 followers · 4441 posts · Server goblackcat.net

The goals of The Small Technology Foundation are very laudable. I hope more people will follow them closely. They're allies in the fight against . Think and big privacy.


#bigweb #smallweb

Last updated 1 year ago

Loïc · @hl0dwig
98 followers · 733 posts · Server g33ks.coffee

It's been 90 days now that our server is being monitored by an "UptimeRobot" and we've just reached 99.959% of uptime 🚀

Of course, we're a tiny server, with "only" 13 people using it, but this is what we call the isn't it? 😉


#smallweb #selfhost

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Kay · @shannonkay
80 followers · 413 posts · Server bookstodon.com

Next I'd like to join a . Maybe I'll even set one up myself!

Maybe I'll add some sort of guest book.

I could even create a award! Who else remembers giving out and receiving website awards?

#webring #website #indieweb #smallweb #homepage #personalsites #personalwebsites #worldwideweb #oldweb

Last updated 2 years ago

Shannon Kay · @shannonkay
80 followers · 412 posts · Server bookstodon.com

I've been working on my "Classic Homepage Project" for a while, and I think it's time to share it.

Visit my website at shannonkay.com or magically at https://🦄.shannonkay.com

It's handwritten html/css and hosted on my NAS.

I also want to encourage others to make their own homepages and other personal websites. It's fun!

#synology #indieweb #smallweb #homepage #personalsites #personalwebsites

Last updated 2 years ago

tiesselune :tiesseluneShiny: · @tiesselune
350 followers · 1062 posts · Server g33ks.coffee

Moi l'impact que j'espère avoir aujourd'hui dans mon domaine pro:

- développer l'esprit critique des étudiants en leur montrant que le existe, est possible et est préférable, que le est une nécessité
- aider à mettre en place des solutions adaptées pour des systèmes informatiques légers et moins gourmands en ressources
- faire contrepoids au maximum dans la direction pédagogique car les étudiants d'aujourd'hui sont les décisionnaires de demain.

Si je pars vivre en mongolie avec des chèvres, quelqu'un d'autre me remplacera, et mon impact sera sans doute inférieur à celui que je peux avoir là tout de suite.

#smallweb #greenit

Last updated 2 years ago

pieceofthepie :coffefied: · @pieceofthepie
189 followers · 930 posts · Server social.n8e.dev

Is anyone aware of software that would provide commenting/likes/shares on a blog that is driven by ?

I've had a hunt but have come up short.

I'm thinking a Disqus like service that can be dropped into an existing static site and provide similar functionality driven by the interactions with a linked ActivityPub note.

This would be similar to via but potentially more accessible to users who would simply be responding to a toot/post.

#activitypub #webmentions #indieweb #smallweb #selfhost

Last updated 2 years ago

EdenDestroyer (He/Him) · @edendestroyer
370 followers · 2682 posts · Server masto.ai

with the of meta joining the , what are our plans for preventing to the best of our abilities?

#news #mastoverse #eee #fediverse #fedi #smallweb

Last updated 2 years ago

EdenDestroyer (He/Him) · @edendestroyer
111 followers · 1637 posts · Server masto.ai

Link Aggregators like Lemmy, Y.combinators, tildes.net, lobsters are awesome. They do serve as decent alternatives to RSS services. Especially Lemmy, since you could build your own small aggregator service and still connect it to the wider fediverse if you wish to.

#lemmy #hackernews #smallweb #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Drazi Crendraven · @drazisil
-1 followers · 1442 posts · Server social.drazisil.com

/ question.

If the data is not supposed to be saved, when is the recommended way to "seed" the internal data, with items such as a block list?

Or is it only supposed to be not saved in an unencrypted state? /gen


#privacy #smallweb

Last updated 2 years ago

G.Love · @g_love
110 followers · 502 posts · Server thrashzone.org

Shit I’m behind on my @sdf meta dues! I got you man first time I checked email in months. I feel like a dick! Considering they rule and the crew there are super helpful. PayPal coming your way!

#mybad #forgiveness #smallweb #community

Last updated 2 years ago

EdenDestroyer (He/Him) · @edendestroyer
63 followers · 1002 posts · Server masto.ai

@smallcircles you might find this interesting too ^


Last updated 2 years ago

Jamie · @jamie
5 followers · 36 posts · Server gtfo.social

A belated :

I joined the fediverse in 2017, stayed a while & then took a break. Dipping my toes in again.

My day job is managing commercial property for a national healthcare provider(🥱), but I’d rather be messing around in a terminal, walking the dog or anything else.

Interests include:

/ /

I’m from & live in , the greatest county in England.

#introduction #buildings #infrastructure #webdev #blogs #indieweb #smallweb #surviving #history #books #wildcamping #yorkshire

Last updated 2 years ago

Drazi :verified_trans: · @drazisil
-1 followers · 1334 posts · Server social.drazisil.com

Ok, let's see.

I'm looking on my own as well, but since I'm here...

@aral , is there a way to kick off codeberg.org/small-tech/auto-e at launch, instead of on first page hit?

I want to reuse the keys in my app, but I can't get ready if they aren't there until the first time they are asked for.


Last updated 2 years ago

mel · @mel
6 followers · 16 posts · Server social.sdf.org

currently reviewing the I wrote (and wrote about over at mel.sh). haven't touched them in a few months. only encountered some small annoying bugs since. admitting to myself that my design wasn't half bad. moving forward with some improvements.

#scripts #personalprojects #smallweb #indieweb #smalltech

Last updated 2 years ago

🌈 Lascapi · @lascapi
303 followers · 6869 posts · Server mastodon.zaclys.com

> to the is a well-served use case but publishing , and to the web is still an incredibly frustrating and under-served use case. Here I outline why I think it matters and a variety of approaches to solving it.


#smallweb #dev #collections #databases #smallindexes #web #documents #publishing

Last updated 2 years ago

Drazi :verified_trans: · @drazisil
-1 followers · 1338 posts · Server social.drazisil.com

It took a toot to remind me of where I saw it, but really excited to write my mastodon instance in tech from small-tech.org/

I think, in keeping with their goals, I will make it .

Does a mastodon server count as small?

Also, on a completely random tangent, because , what would a small tech email server look like? :blobcat_thinking:​

#smallweb #singletenant #neurodivergent

Last updated 2 years ago

Loïc · @hl0dwig
150 followers · 685 posts · Server g33ks.coffee

@tiesselune I believe in lots of small instances + a real Internet education program 🌐

1- regarding the fediverse :fediverse: , we should all follow the example of @dansup who decided to close the registration on pixelfed.social to encourage people to create or join a smaller instance! just like mastodon.online + .social 🤩 , mastodon.art has to be the next one! 💡

2- regarding the internet in general, we must educate people, as young as possible, about the use of the internet and the interest to be as independent as possible from the giants! We have to teach them that *everything* and even more is possible without using GAFAM and co services 🌟

#smallweb #education

Last updated 2 years ago