No sé si seguís el canal de #SmarterEveryDay en #YouTube pero el vídeo de esta semana es genial, trata sobre el proceso de estampación metálica y abre una serie sobre procesos de manufacturación en profundidad...
Bullets HITTING Bullets in Slow Motion - THE IMPOSSIBLE SHOT - #SmarterEveryDay 287 - Invidious
Science Mondays: Here’s How Kodak Is Ramping Back Up
Welcome to the Science Mondays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Science Mondays will feature stuff from the world of science and science related content. Our goal here at Geek Alabama
#ScienceTalkStuff #DestinSandlin #HeresHowKodakIsRampingBackUp #Kodak #science #ScienceMonday #ScienceNews #ScienceStuff #Scientist #SmarterEveryDay #YouTube
#sciencetalkstuff #destinsandlin #hereshowkodakisrampingbackup #kodak #science #sciencemonday #sciencenews #sciencestuff #scientist #smartereveryday #youtube
Science Mondays: Molten Glass Vs. Prince Rupert’s Drop
Welcome to the Science Mondays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Science Mondays will feature stuff from the world of science and science related conten
#ScienceTalkStuff #DestinSandlin #MoltenGlass #MoltenGlassVs.PrinceRupert'sDrop #PrinceRupert'sDrop #science #ScienceMonday #ScienceNews #ScienceStuff #Scientist #SmarterEveryDay #YouTube
#sciencetalkstuff #destinsandlin #moltenglass #moltenglassvs #princerupert #science #sciencemonday #sciencenews #sciencestuff #scientist #smartereveryday #youtube
How the Germans Measured Milliseconds Mechanically (and rolling shutter)
How the Germans Measured Milliseconds Mechanically
Science Mondays: How The Germans Measured Milliseconds Mechanically
Welcome to the Science Mondays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Science Mondays will feature stuff from the world of science and sci
#ScienceTalkStuff #DestinSandlin #HowTheGermansMeasuredMillisecondsMechanically #KameraStore #science #ScienceMonday #ScienceNews #ScienceStuff #Scientist #SmarterEveryDay #YouTube
#sciencetalkstuff #destinsandlin #howthegermansmeasuredmillisecondsmechanically #kamerastore #science #sciencemonday #sciencenews #sciencestuff #scientist #smartereveryday #youtube
I just watched Smarter Every Day's video about a 1930s mechanical stroboscope for calibrating camera shutter speeds, and my ears started to burn. That sounds like it could be the basis for the sounds of aunt Beru's kitchen appliances in A New Hope, doesn't it? #SmarterEveryDay #StarWars #SoundDesign
#smartereveryday #starwars #sounddesign
The Evening Post: The Sidewinder Missile Spinny Thing
Destin from Smarter Every Day talks about the Sidewinder Missile.
#TheEveningPostStuff #DestinSandlin #SidewinderMissile #SmarterEveryDay #TheSidewinderMissileSpinnyThing #YouTube
#theeveningpoststuff #destinsandlin #sidewindermissile #smartereveryday #thesidewindermissilespinnything #youtube
For anyone who hasn't encountered the wonder and the joy shared every day by #SmarterEveryDay : _The Backward Bicycle_
Science Mondays: I Asked An Actual Apollo Engineer To Explain The Saturn 5 Rocket
Welcome to the Science Mondays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Science Mondays will feature stuff from the world of scie
#ScienceTalkStuff #ApolloEngineer #DestinSandlin #LukeTalley #Saturn5Rocket #science #ScienceMonday #ScienceNews #ScienceStuff #Scientist #SmarterEveryDay #YouTube
#sciencetalkstuff #apolloengineer #destinsandlin #luketalley #saturn5rocket #science #sciencemonday #sciencenews #sciencestuff #scientist #smartereveryday #youtube
Absolutely fantastic episode #smartereveryday
#nasa #apollo #saturn5 #engineering
Watch "I Asked An Actual Apollo Engineer to Explain the Saturn 5 Rocket - Smarter Every Day 280" on YouTube
#engineering #saturn5 #apollo #nasa #smartereveryday
He has an uncut version of this visit on his 2nd channel, if you want more detail.
#Rockets #Science #Space #Technology #History #SmarterEveryDay
#rockets #science #space #technology #history #smartereveryday
This fellow is one of my favourite things in YouTube. His channel is called "Smarter Every Day", and sometimes he does cool things like slow-motion video a carburetor! Sometimes he talks to scientists who designed the James Webb telescope.
And some times he spends an hour getting a NASA rocket scientist to explain the Saturn V three-stage rocket that powered Apollo 11.
Turns out there were some amazing people driving the space race.
Science Mondays: What’s A Rescue Swimmer? – U.S. Coast Guard
Welcome to the Science Mondays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Science Mondays will feature stuff from the world of science and science related content. Our goal here a
#ScienceTalkStuff #DestinSandlin #science #ScienceMonday #ScienceNews #ScienceStuff #Scientist #SmarterEveryDay #USCoastGuard #What’sARescueSwimmer #YouTube
#sciencetalkstuff #destinsandlin #science #sciencemonday #sciencenews #sciencestuff #scientist #smartereveryday #uscoastguard #what #youtube
Destin of Smarter Every Day learns about the role of the United States Coast Guard's rescue swimmers (aviation survival technicians), and what it takes to become one:
#smarterEveryDay #destinSandlin #unitedStatesCoastGuard
#smartereveryday #destinsandlin #unitedstatescoastguard
Continuing in the vein of knowing more about how things in the world around you function Smarter Every Day is another great YouTube channel to follow.
In this video Destin covers how center pivots are constructed and function, along with the role they play in putting food on your table.
#smartereveryday #neverstoplearning #HowStuffWorks
This is a #jwst episode of #SmarterEveryDay - it turns out his dad spent years as a metrologist on the sunshield; and he's got video from in the clean room as it's being laser measured ~6 years ago:
#jwst #smartereveryday #space #lasers #sharks
I have only watched 53 seconds of the video and I am already hooked! Perfect topic, Dustin!