La revolución inteligente también llega al fitness. 💪 Y sólo es el comienzo.
#fitness #gym #health #salud #SmartLiving #motivación #bienestar #deporte #sport #workout #tecnología #tech #technology
#fitness #gym #health #salud #smartliving #motivacion #bienestar #deporte #sport #workout #tecnologia #tech #technology
En esta ocasion os presentamos el radar mas barato que podamos comprar, integrable en Home Assistant, para deteccion de presencia y mas.
#CasaInteligente #Domótica #homeassistant #HogarInteligente #SmartHome #AutomatizaciónDelHogar #InternetDeLasCosas #IoT #VidaConectada #EficienciaEnergética #TecnologíaEnElHogar #SmartHome #HomeAutomation #InternetOfThings #IoT #ConnectedHome #HomeTechnology #HomeControl #SmartLiving #EnergyEfficiency #IntelligentHome
#casainteligente #domotica #homeassistant #hogarinteligente #smarthome #automatizaciondelhogar #internetdelascosas #iot #vidaconectada #eficienciaenergetica #tecnologiaenelhogar #homeautomation #internetofthings #connectedhome #hometechnology #homecontrol #smartliving #energyefficiency #intelligenthome
Ihr wollt eure IKEA Tradfri Steckdose mit Philips Hue steuern? Kein Problem! In diesem Beitrag zeige ich euch wie es geht.
#smarthome #digitaldad #blogger #energiesparen #neubau #strom #blog #smartliving #tech #youtube #youtuber #ikeatradfri #philipshue #hue #smartplug #steckdose #automatisierung #huebridge
#smarthome #digitaldad #blogger #Energiesparen #neubau #strom #blog #smartliving #tech #YouTube #YouTuber #ikeatradfri #PhilipsHue #hue #smartplug #steckdose #automatisierung #huebridge
Ihr wollt eure IKEA Tradfri Steckdose mit Philips Hue steuern? Kein Problem! In diesem Beitrag zeige ich euch wie es geht.
#smarthome #digitaldad #blogger #energiesparen #neubau #strom #blog #smartliving #tech #youtube #youtuber #ikeatradfri #philipshue #hue #smartplug #steckdose #automatisierung #huebridge
#smarthome #digitaldad #blogger #Energiesparen #neubau #strom #blog #smartliving #tech #YouTube #YouTuber #ikeatradfri #PhilipsHue #hue #smartplug #steckdose #automatisierung #huebridge
Here we are with a new video tutorial on Home Assistant:
"Super simple way to set the Google Home volume levels on a schedule base"
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #automation #turorial #googlehome #smartworking #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #automation #turorial #googlehome #smartworking #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
Here we are with a new video tutorial on Home Assistant:
Getting more efficient in tracking smartworking events
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #automation #turorial #smartworking #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #automation #turorial #smartworking #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
Here we are with a new video tutorial on Home Assistant:
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #dashboard #swipecard #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
"Super efficient dashboards with the swipe custom card"
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #dashboard #swipecard #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
Here we are with a new video tutorial on Home Assistant:
"How to have the Tile card's color dynamcally changing according to the temperature of the entity"
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #tilecard #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #tilecard #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
Here we are with a new video tutorial on Home Assistant:
"How to get the weather conditions for the next hour before doing a laundry"
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #automation #weather #weatherforecast #triggers #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #automation #weather #weatherforecast #triggers #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
Here we are with a new video tutorial on Home Assistant:
"How to get the weather conditions for the next hour before doing a laundry"
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #automation #weather #weatherforecast #triggers #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #automation #weather #weatherforecast #triggers #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
Hoy vemos la detección de presencia en nuestro hogar en Home Assistant. P
or supuesto con consentimiento de los integrantes de casa... incluido el perro si hace falta.
#HomeAutomation #AutomatizaciónDelHogar #SmartHome #HogarInteligente #InternetOfThings #InternetDeLasCosas #ConnectedHome #HogarConectado #HomeAssistant #AsistenteDelHogar #SmarthomeTech #TecnologíaParaHogaresInteligentes #HomeSecurity #SeguridadEnElHogar #EnergyEfficiency #EficienciaEnergética #SmartLiving #VidaInteligente #AutomatizaciónResidencial #ResidentialAutomation #Domotica #Domotics #CasaInteligente #IntelligentHouse #HomeTech #TecnologíaParaElHogar #HomeComfort #ConfortEnElHogar #HomeSolutions #SolucionesParaElHogar
#homeautomation #automatizaciondelhogar #smarthome #hogarinteligente #internetofthings #internetdelascosas #connectedhome #hogarconectado #homeassistant #asistentedelhogar #smarthometech #tecnologiaparahogaresinteligentes #homesecurity #seguridadenelhogar #energyefficiency #eficienciaenergetica #smartliving #vidainteligente #automatizacionresidencial #residentialautomation #domotica #domotics #casainteligente #intelligenthouse #hometech #tecnologiaparaelhogar #homecomfort #confortenelhogar #homesolutions #solucionesparaelhogar
El paradigma de hogar digital, hogar conectado, smart home, o como queramos llamarlo. Ese concepto que poco a poco va evolucionando y que como otras tantas cosas viviremos como una revolución. Será un cambio emocionante en el que ya estamos metidos.
#SmartHome #HomeAutomation #IntelligentLiving #ConnectedHome
#SmartLiving #SmartHomeTechnology
#HomeTech #SmartHomeSolutions #SmartHomeDesign #DomoticHome #CasaInteligente #AutomatizaciónDelHogar #VidaInteligente #HogarConectado
#VidaSmart #TecnologíaParaElHogar
#TecnologíaDomótica #SolucionesParaElHogarInteligente #DiseñoDeCasaInteligente #HogarDomótico
#smarthome #homeautomation #intelligentliving #connectedhome #smartliving #smarthometechnology #hometech #smarthomesolutions #smarthomedesign #domotichome #casainteligente #automatizaciondelhogar #vidainteligente #hogarconectado #vidasmart #tecnologiaparaelhogar #tecnologiadomotica #solucionesparaelhogarinteligente #disenodecasainteligente #hogardomotico
Je viens de réaliser que la technologie peut vraiment nous faciliter la vie ! Aujourd'hui, je n'ai pas à m'inquiéter des tâches qui m'envahissent car j'ai trouvé une application qui s'en charge pour moi ! #SmartLiving #RobotLife
Hey! Here's a new video tutorial on Home Assistant:
"How to display entities on a single dashboard according to the connected user"
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #stateswitch #onedashboard #devicetracker #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #stateswitch #onedashboard #devicetracker #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
Hey! Here's a new video tutorial on Home Assistant:
"Let's go deeper into the person integration"
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #person #devicetracker #presence #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #person #devicetracker #presence #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
Hey! Here's a new video tutorial on Home Assistant:
"Get notified if you left home, the printer is still ON and nobody is at home"
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #automation #printer #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #automation #printer #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
Hey! Here's a new video tutorial on Home Assistant:
"How to get an automation being triggered when another automation is fired"
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #automation #event #triggers #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #automation #event #triggers #turorial #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
Hey guys, here's a new video tutorial on Home Assistant:
"Some super easy ways to control media players from our dashboard"
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #mediaplayer #mediaplayercards #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #mediaplayer #mediaplayercards #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
Hey guys, here's a new video tutorial on Home Assistant:
"Presence detection based on Ping platform"
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #mediaplayer #ping #presence #presencedetection #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
#homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome #mediaplayer #ping #presence #presencedetection #diy #diyprojects #technology #zwave #zigbee #smartliving #smartlivingforeveryone
Förderaufruf SmartLivingNEXT veröffentlicht: Rund 25 Millionen Euro für KI-basierte Ökosysteme für nachhaltige digitale Dienste
Das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz startet den Förderaufruf für das neue Technologieprogramm »SmartLivingNEXT – Künstliche Intelligenz für nachhaltige Lebens- und Wohnumgebungen«.
#SmartLivingNEXT #DigitaleDienste #Nachhaltigkeit #Digitalisierung #SmartLiving
#smartlivingnext #digitaledienste #nachhaltigkeit #digitalisierung #smartliving