Been working on this all month and finally made the announcent today! The full program and schedule with every detail about the International Mobile Film Festival April 28-30 in San Diego by the bay. 📱🎬✨🏆
#MobileFilmmaking #SmartphonePhotography #SmartphoneVideo #ShotOnSmartphone #FilmFestival #SanDiego #movies #indie #cosplay #events #redcarpet
#redcarpet #events #cosplay #indie #Movies #sandiego #Filmfestival #shotonsmartphone #smartphonevideo #smartphonephotography #mobilefilmmaking
I couldn’t just sit still at the carwash today because I’m super excited about our International Mobile Film Festival which begins with a KickOff on FRIDAY, April 28! 📱🎬 So I shot and edited this on my phone. Happy Friday! #FridayVibes #ShotOniPhone #SmartphoneVideo #SanDiego #FilmFestival #MobileFilmmaking #happyfriday #carwash #Cali
#Cali #carwash #happyfriday #mobilefilmmaking #Filmfestival #sandiego #smartphonevideo #shotoniphone #FridayVibes
Shooting a movie with your smartphone can be that lucky break you’ve been dreaming about!
#mobilefilmmaking #indiefilm #sandiego #SmartphoneVideo
#smartphonevideo #sandiego #indiefilm #mobilefilmmaking
Photo from February 7, 2014 in San Diego with a festival founder from Barcelona that launched his after I held the inaugural International Mobile Film Festival for films shot with mobile phones. Good times. Not the only international festival founder to come meet with me, another from New Zealand and another from Australia.
#Smartphone #Filmfestival #mobilefilmmaking #SmartphoneVideo #indiefilms #library
#library #indiefilms #smartphonevideo #mobilefilmmaking #Filmfestival #Smartphone
In 2013, I held a masterclass for our San Diego Mobile Film School. Max Schleser came from New Zealand, Jeff Turboff came from New York City, and Perry Dixon came from LA…to learn and teach how to make films and videos using mobile phone cameras.
Crazy, right? Crazy can inspire people to do wonderful things when you put your heart in it. 📱🎬✨
#mobilefilm101 #filmmaker #SmartphoneVideo #filmmaking #SanDiego #Storytelling
#storytelling #sandiego #filmmaking #smartphonevideo #filmmaker #mobilefilm101
Fly Like An Eagle! Last chance to submit short films shot with smartphone cameras is January 13!
#InternationalMobileFilmFestival #MobileFilmmaking #SmartphoneVideo #FilmFestival #FilmFestival #filmmaker
#filmmaker #Filmfestival #smartphonevideo #mobilefilmmaking #internationalmobilefilmfestival
Fly Like An Eagle! Last chance to submit short films shot with smartphone cameras is January 13!
#InternationalMobileFilmFestival #MobileFilmmaking #SmartphoneVideo #FilmFestival #FilmFestival #filmmaker
#filmmaker #Filmfestival #smartphonevideo #mobilefilmmaking #internationalmobilefilmfestival
Happy New Year to everyone!
I just shot and edited a little moment outside my back door as we get some rain in San Diego. I hope the new year brings peace and prosperity around the world. 💕
#ShotOniPhone #smartphonevideo
#HappyNewYear #shotoniphone #smartphonevideo
Community Stories Tells the Stories from Within: Empowered with a smartphone camera, it's not necessary to wait for others to share the story of your community.
#FilmFestival #CommunityStories #SmartphoneVideo #SanDiego
#sandiego #smartphonevideo #communitystories #Filmfestival
Community Stories Tells the Stories from Within: Empowered with a smartphone camera, it's not necessary to wait for others to share the story of your community.
#FilmFestival #CommunityStories #SmartphoneVideo #SanDiego
#sandiego #smartphonevideo #communitystories #Filmfestival
Community Stories Tells the Stories from Within: Empowered with a smartphone camera, it's not necessary to wait for others to share the story of your community.
#FilmFestival #CommunityStories #SmartphoneVideo #SanDiego
#sandiego #smartphonevideo #communitystories #Filmfestival