Some recommendations from the #french data protection authorithy la #cnil regarding connected beacons such as #Apple #airtag or #Samsung #smarttag
One good advice : don't disable it at home if you've found a rogue beacon because it will retain your address as the last known position. Do it in a random public area such as a bar or restaurant.
#french #cnil #apple #airtag #samsung #smarttag
01 Net: SmartThing 2 : un nouveau design pour le futur traqueur de Samsung #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Objetsconnectés #SmartTag #Samsung
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #objetsconnectes #smarttag #samsung
New Samsung Galaxy SmartTag will have Unique Design and UWB. 📱🛟🪀 #SamsungGalaxy #Samsung #SmartTag #Android
In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the SmartTag 2, delving into its innovative design and exploring the enhanced capabilities it brings to the table.
#samsunggalaxy #samsung #smarttag #android
Samsung Galaxy SmartTag 2 comes with Bluetooth 5.3. 📱🔖 #SamsungGalaxy #SmartTag #Android
We can expect better coverage and power efficiency.
#samsunggalaxy #smarttag #android
Bizzare Frankie, the inherited #cat, story.
Have collar with name tag & #smarttag as still roams to visit old home about 1km away.
He arrived home without collar/tag, is designed to release, not strangle.
I tracked to a neighbours SUV, on their drive, it 'beeped' near front with tag chime. Could not see it, they opened bonnet & found collar, tag attached, dangling off a metal pipe that ran across behind the top end of the engine!
Modern car, had squeezed up thru undertray hole by exhaust...
Android 14 ti aiuterà a ritrovare un telefono spento
#Android #Android14 #smartphone #telefono #GalaxySmartTag #SmartTag
#android #android14 #smartphone #telefono #galaxysmarttag #smarttag
Is there a free software privacy-respecting alternative to #Chipolo, #Tile, Samsung #SmartTag and Apple #AirTag? It's not these companies owning our devices, but us end users instead. We should be in control.
Ideally, the alternative would work for all the tracking devices and we wouldn't need a separate app for each. Even better, we would benefit from having one community that crowd-sources location updates across all of the deceivingly disparate #BLE tag variants.
#chipolo #tile #smarttag #airtag #ble #ibeacon #foss
Un sistema di etichette intelligenti combatte lo spreco alimentare e migliora le nostre abitudini col #cibo. Lo vedrei bene a casa, sto ancora lì a scrivere le scadenze sulle confezioni che metto in #frigo una volta aperte.
#futuro #smarttag #frigo #cibo