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The Ever-Fading SmartTrack
John Tory might be gone as Mayor, but SmartTrack clings on like grim death even in his absence. A report before an upcoming meeting of Toronto’s Executive Committee shows that the total cost of the five remaining stations is estimated by Metrolinx at $1.697 billion, yes that’s with a “b”, or $234 million higher than […]
From a planned 22 stations to five. How did #JohnTory 's $8-billion #SmartTrack public transit plan go off the rails? | #Metrolinx #GOTransit #TTC | via @StarGTANews https://buff.ly/3KaVxb7
#ttc #gotransit #metrolinx #smarttrack #johntory
03/22 Will #SmartTrack Will Survive Without #JohnTory? | #CityofTO #GOTransit #Metrolinx #GovofOnt #TTC | via @Urban_Toronto UrbanToronto https://buff.ly/3LOgfiq
#ttc #govofont #metrolinx #gotransit #cityofto #johntory #smarttrack
SmartTrack: The Brand That Will Not Die
On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, Toronto’s Executive Committee will consider an update on the so-called Smart-Track Stations project. Reports: For comparisons with the previous, February 2021 update on the station designs, please see: This project is the remnant of a scheme first proposed by mayoral candidate John Tory in May 2014 to overlay a frequent […]