is almost here.This year I will be there with a #pyQGIS for beginners workshop,a presentation about the latest SMASH+survey server news and another about #kLAB and how to access it via #QGIS. Loads of stuff,come talk to me!
#SMASH_DFM #geopaparazzi
#foss4g2023 #geopaparazzi #smash_dfm #qgis #klab #pyqgis
Proudly sporting my #WIDIMEDIA socks together with #SMASH_DFM while strolling around the #Kalterersee. Reminds me of #FOSS4G in Firenze last year, while my head already moves to Kosovo for #FOSS4G2023 . #geopaparazzi
#geopaparazzi #foss4g2023 #foss4g #kalterersee #smash_dfm #widimedia
SMASH 1.7.6 is out! Have a look at the new integration with the #django Survey Server and the #redmine #GeoTaskTracker plugin: http://jgrasstechtips.blogspot.com/2023/04/smash-176-is-out.html
#osgeo #geopaparazzi #smash_dfm #geotasktracker #redmine #django
Sent in time my contributions for the upcoming #FOSS4G in Prizren. One for SMASH digital field mapping and one for k.LAB in #QGIS + one surprise workshop :-D Long live the Free and Open Source! See you there!
@im_klab #ARIES4SEEA
#SMASH_DFM #geopaparazzi
#Prizren2023 #FOSS4G2023
#foss4g2023 #prizren2023 #geopaparazzi #smash_dfm #aries4seea #qgis #foss4g