Today, a Baloch man without a birth certificate was executed in Rodan prison without the knowledge of his family. His identity later became known as #Nazir_Sarkhkaman. In the last 9 days of 2023, at least 4 Baluch were executed and 3 Baluch were killed by direct fire from regime forces, and in 2022, at least 155 Baluch were executed.
#nazir_sarkhkaman #نظیر_سرخکمان #mahsa_aminin #smash_iran_fascism
Video shows the brutality of border police against Afghan refugees while they try to cross from Iran into Turkey; they put chains on their necks, took off their clothes, threw them in the snow, & lashes them.
#Afghanrefugees #afghanistan
#AfghanRefugees #afghanistan #smash_turkish_fascism #smash_iran_fascism
In a few hours #Elias_Raisi will be executed in Zahedan prison. The last meeting has taken place and the said person has said goodbye.
#smash_iran_fascism #elias_raisi