*making plans for traveling to Chicago*
My partner: “Wait, what about the smog?”
Me: “… like the dragon?”
Partner, confused: “…. Like the smoke…?” And proceeds to facepalm as I die laughing. Stay safe out there folks! :dino33:
#miscommunication #DragonJokes #smog #Chicago #smaug
This time one, maybe two versions but not more... said me and did five versions of Smaug inking. What you see is a part of the most unusual one. I hope to show the full versions soon but there's one more thing that stands on my way. Be patient please.
Daily Sketch Challenge 12/04/23: Smaug.
#smaug #dragon #monster #tolkien #dailysketchchallenge
Folklore read live!
"She said [to] take... 300 crates of nails, 300 barrels of meal, 300 pigs, & 300 bull carcasses, then roll the ball of yarn..."
Bizarre tales from the Norwegian countryside!
CLICK here to watch right now: https://youtube.com/live/8drB0PMj_mU
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folk #tales #stories #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #dragons #lindwurm #drak #smaug #unicorn #norway
#Norway #unicorn #smaug #drak #Lindwurm #dragons #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #Stories #tales #folk #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
Why drag a sled of dragon poop around?
Why does ooze in a dragon's lair sustain human life?
Folktales about the true WEIRDNESS of dragons!
Tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST: https://youtube.com/live/iSIfoyvmtP8
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #German #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #dragons #lindwurm #drak #smaug #gameofthrones
#gameofthrones #smaug #drak #Lindwurm #dragons #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #German #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Thought you all might enjoy Smaug curled up like a shrimp
#smaug #lotrcats #catsofmastodon
Jeff, the origin
Source: https://www.skeletonclaw.com/post/189021631783
#Comic #SkeletonClaw #Bezos #JeffBezos #Amazon #Billionaire #UltraWealthy #TaxTheRich #Dragon #Horde #Gold #Smaug
#comic #skeletonclaw #bezos #jeffbezos #amazon #billionaire #ultrawealthy #taxtherich #dragon #horde #gold #smaug
Is there anything more delightful as you prepare to sleep than a warm purring cat asleep on you in the dark, claws dug in just enough to let you know that there's nowhere they'd rather be.
#catsofmastodon #smaug #lotrcats #sleep #meditation
Tonight's practice: Smaug and the destruction of Esgaroth.
Listening to the book this week - after not having read this for man years - has been fun. My mind's eye had something like this today on the drive to work, so I decided to give it a try.
I should've washed the whole sky, dried it, and then painted the dragon.
#practice #watercolor #tolkien #smaug
I am a quarter of my way through knitting this blanket (featuring Smaug who insisted that it was, in fact, knitted enough for her to use already) and the wool I ordered for a dark shawl version has arrived.
I am now very tempted to have two giant projects in the go. I am also very aware that beautiful locally sourced and hand dyed wool of good quality is wonderful and I can only ever afford it in the sale and that there are no more sales for the foreseeable, so I can't buy more.
#smaug #lotrcats #cats #catsofmastadon #knitting
Calling Smaug done, now with his treasure and Bilbo. I may change the base in the future. Also a progress shot of his belly that you can't otherwise see. #mithrilminiatures #Hobbit #Smaug #hobbyTime
#mithrilminiatures #Hobbit #smaug #hobbytime
le #Cronache nel loro complesso sono una #CampagnadiDungeonsandDragons nella quale i #draghi sono più numerosi e credo sia altrettanto esatto pensare che tra le fonti d’ispirazione degli autori ci sia stato il #drago #Smaug de Lo #Hobbit. Quindi abbiamo dei mostri con personalità estremamente complesse e definite, non racchiudibili in schemi semplici e limitati. L’idea di creare il drago femmina #Matafleur come un essere il cui “presente” è determinato dal suo passato
#cronache #campagnadidungeonsanddragons #draghi #Drago #smaug #hobbit #matafleur
Smaug has his head, tail, wings and legs all glued and cemeted in place. His treasure, Bilbo and some random Pukel men are ready to undercoat as well #Smaug #mithrilminiatures
It’s okay to #rest Recharging with #Smaug and #BardTheBowman (and weird cgi Legolas but he’s best left unmentioned).
Dans ma balade, j'arrive chez les nains d'Erebor. Ce sont ceux qui ont reconstruit après Smaug. Ils ont fait du bon boulot 😌
#vacance #voyage #Lyon #terresdumilieu #middleearth #lotro #sdao #mmorpg #balade #fantasy #smaug #erebor #thehobbit
#vacance #Voyage #lyon #terresdumilieu #middleearth #lotro #sdao #mmorpg #balade #fantasy #smaug #erebor #thehobbit
I made a Posca pen dragon for my Uncle. He recently gifted me a cool book of Tolkien's illustrations so this was inspired by 'Conversation with Smaug'.
I cleaned it up and put it on Redbubble too!
#dragon #smaug #tolkien #poscapens #creativetoots #redbubble #illustration
#illustration #redbubble #CreativeToots #poscapens #tolkien #smaug #dragon