what is the question bot supposed to look like?
At Stockholm University we have an opening for an Assistant Professor in Data-Driven Evolution and Biodiversity, https://www.scilifelab.se/career/assistant-professor-in-data-driven-evolution-and-biodiversity-3/ This position could be of interest to @ecoevojobs #SMBEfolks #SMBE2023 #ESEBfolks
#esebfolks #smbe2023 #smbefolks
Postdoc opportunities at Stockholm University! @jobsecoevo
Multiple positions associated with the Bolin Climate Centre - deadline to apply is August 11, 2023.
Postdocs can apply with their own project proposal.
#ECR #popgen #esebfolks #smbefolks #evolgen
** SMBE Nominations for Treasurer from 2024 **
Due by Friday, 1 June 2023
#smbefolks: details are in your email, please message us at secretary.smbe[at]gmail.com
** SMBE Nominations for Treasurer from 2014 **
Due by Friday, 1 June 2023
#smbefolks: details are in your email, please message us at secretary.smbe[at]gmail.com
Hi @officialSMBE your bio suggests other accounts but i think there might be a typo in some of them because i can't find them.
i can't find
BIO = Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Announcements. See also @SMBEmeetings @SMBE_IDEA @molbioevol @GenomeBiolEvol #SMBEfolks
cc other mes @kirt@mastodon.social @kirt@mstdn.science
** Deadline is fast approaching for SMBE Nominations for President-elect and 2 Councilors from 2014 **
Due by Friday, March 10, 2023
#smbefolks details in your email, pls email us at secretary.smbe[at]gmail.com
#smbefolks #Evolution #EvolutionaryBiology #Genomics
Get involved with your favourite Society!
SMBE Nominations for President-elect and 2 Councilors from 2014 - due by Friday, March 10, 2023
#smbefolks please check your email for the Call with details, and https://smbe.org/smbe/FEATUREDNEWS.aspx from next week.
#smbefolks #Evolution #EvolutionaryBiology #Genomics #conservation
Super happy for Juanita Gutierrez-Valencia who successfully defended her PhD thesis today at #StockholmUniversity. Congratulations!!! Great presentation and questions by external examiner Mario Vallejo-Marin & committee @PyhaTanja , Matt Webster & Bengt Hansson! #distyly #matingsystem #evolgen #evolution #supergenes #SMBEfolks #ESEBfolks
#esebfolks #smbefolks #supergenes #evolution #evolgen #matingsystem #distyly #StockholmUniversity
About using #citation impact measures to estimate the importance of scientific #publications:
"All metrics of scientific #evaluation are bound to be abused. Goodhart's law [...] states that when a feature of the economy is picked as an indicator of the economy, then it inexorably ceases to function as that indicator because people start to game it."
— Mario Biagioli in 2016: https://escholarship.org/content/qt0b05p1j6/qt0b05p1j6.pdf via @rysiek
#dataGovernance @dataGovernance #ecoEvo #genetics #ESEBFolks #SMBEFolks #dataAnalysis
#citation #publications #evaluation #DataGovernance #ecoevo #genetics #esebfolks #smbefolks #dataanalysis
Student in evolutionary biology • Follow me for toots on #evolution #ecoEvo #genetics #RStats #ESEBFolks #SMBEFolks
#introduction #Evolution #ecoevo #genetics #rstats #esebfolks #smbefolks
#introduction • Follow me for toots on #evolution #ecoEvo #genetics #RStats #ESEBFolks #SMBEFolks
#introduction #Evolution #ecoevo #genetics #rstats #esebfolks #smbefolks
GERP scores are frequently used to classify and assess the prevalence of deleterious mutations, but what are the limitations of this approach and how sensitive is it to what species are included in the underlying alignment? I was wondering about this and found this nice paper from 2020 that I had missed at the time, and that investigates these issues using simulations.
Here's the paper by Huber, Kim and Lohmueller:
#smbefolks #populationgenetics #comparativegenomics
#SMBEEverywhere G6 on Tuesday! Looking forward to report on our work with @mtakou1, Holger Schielzeth, Kim Steige #SMBEfolks
We found that the strength of stabilizing selection associates with the amount of non-additive genetic variance in gene expression.
This matters for understanding the potential for adaptation of gene expression variation. It also shows that we are good at inferring the DFE.
The talk will be based on this preprint
Ready for more #SMBEeverywhere? We are!
#GS6 is the next Global Symposium on the #Genetics of #Adaptation, taking place at the end of this week 21--22 Nov organized by Dr. @krushnamegh Kunte and Dr. @DeepaAgashe
To register, visit http://SMBE.org (free for all members of #SMBE and memberships very affordable).
The program for GS6 is here: https://virtual.oxfordabstracts.com/#/event/3132/program
Please join us!
#SMBEfolks #PhDStudents #Evolution #EvolutionaryBiology #bioinformatics #Genomics #microbiology
#SMBEeverywhere #gs6 #genetics #adaptation #SMBE #smbefolks #PhDStudents #Evolution #EvolutionaryBiology #bioinformatics #Genomics #microbiology
Could anyone help us spot theoretical studies that investigate how adaptation proceeds, preferred habitats have systematically lower carrying capacity?
My lab investigates population establishment in A. thaliana and this is what we find. We wonder whether it impacts adaptation.
We guess that new mutations are less likely to arise in the preferred habitat, so less fuel for local adaptation...
One more day of #introduction, and then... we start real conversations, ok? #SMBEfolks #ESEBfolks and others.
#introduction #smbefolks #esebfolks
A two-year postdoctoral fellowship is available in my group at Stockholm University.
The postdoc will test hypotheses on the evolution of the Linum distyly supergene in a comparative framework. See also: Gutiérrez-Valencia et al. 2022, Current Biology 32: 4360-4371.
Read more about the fellowship and how to apply here: https://tanjaslottelab.se/join-the-lab/
#postdoc #fellowship
#EvolutionaryGenomics #genomics #popgen #SMBEfolks
#smbefolks #popgen #genomics #EvolutionaryGenomics #fellowship #postdoc
#introduction (cont’d) These interests extend to our own social system: why is it so hard to do what is in our collective interest? How can we do better for everyone?
An American living in Aotearoa New Zealand. Learning to navigate a very different academic life here. (2/2)
#twittermigration #sciencemastodon #SSEfolks #ESEBfolks #SMBEfolks #ASNfolks #PopGen
#introduction #twittermigration #ScienceMastodon #SSEfolks #esebfolks #smbefolks #asnfolks #PopGen