@Irreverent_B what you read as waste can also be seen as difference. variety, plurality, individual expression. the only way you get a completely efficient system is a closed system that doesn't permit anything different & individual to mix things up. I think #smbiz #capitalism can be creative and allows us to express ourselves and serve one another. both art & #smbiz are messy! #monopoly (another closed system) is the enemy, not the freeplay of ideas. i think there's a middle way.
@chopsstephens @tanepiper I think it's much much harder to use the govt to break up monopolies than it is to strategically use the market to do so. and it scares the crap out of entrepreneur-voters to think the govt is going to come smash & grab their biz. Yes, we need to find our balls and tax but the best tax law is that which incentivizes the kind of economy we want to grow in our garden. I suggest we want to grow many #SmBiz, #coop and #ESOP because then the citizens would own the market.
@chopsstephens @tanepiper Different server instances are like having many #Smbiz that can innovate and fill in, creating specialization and many choices. Above all, in both #democracy and #capitalism we want free choice. The greatest of those choices (and hardest!) is to say "take this job and shove it" to the man and start your own SmBiz. if only progressives understood this we'd win every election and take over the economy.
No one wants their taxes to go up. Our tax heavy platform will naturally scare voters away -- and apparently they will vote for election deniers and fascists if it suits their pocketbook!
I hope #progressives will consider being #SmBiz owner's best friend, putting them in the center of a positive view of #CitizenOwnership of the #AmericanDream.
I think it would get a lot of voters back onboard and it actually charts a course for how to achieve the #EconomicJustice goals we all want.
#progressives #smbiz #CitizenOwnership #AmericanDream #economicjustice
#Organizedconsumers is the other part of this.
We didn't need anti-trust regulation to break up twitter. We just choose to go elsewhere.
#Organizedconsumers can get instant responses.
Just the threat of #boycott causes corps to change course immediately.
Imagine if instead of amazon, we had a federated buying forum where all #Smbiz could list their goods, USPS delivers, and no algorithm enriches a billionaire?
#StrategicBuying should be empowered by #progressive policies
#Organizedconsumers #boycott #smbiz #StrategicBuying #progressive
The reason magats are calling us fascists is they fear the centralization that we shouldn't want either.
We can lead with a new #Progressive #American Dream, clearly defining that the optimal market under our watch would prioritize #WorkerOwned biz & aggressively incentivize large multi-state corps to #EmployeeOwnership.
Incentivize means giving tax breaks to #SmBiz and #EO biz and penalizing those that don't spread the equity around.
Give workers a paycheck and a profit check
#progressive #american #workerowned #EmployeeOwnership #smbiz #eo
A #SmBiz, #EmployeeOwned, decentralized marketplace is exactly what we ought to be championing if we want to achieve #EconomicJustice and disrupt the foundations upon which maga paranoia rests. We can't achieve #EconomicJustice by taxing all corps and giving the $ away from the federal govt. administration of that would be horrible and fraught w questions of fairness. It should be done by a citizen's take-over of the market from the ground up -- by prioritizing worker-owned businesses. 4/
#smbiz #EmployeeOwned #economicjustice
#introduction - 1 of x
I'm #GenX into #Philosophy #Art #Politics #nafo #TwitterRefugee
A #SmallBusiness accountant w passionate opinions about what I think a positive #Progressive or #Democratic #Economics should be about, I think we're missing the mark and chasing #SmBiz voters into the hands of the right. will rant accordingly.
I'm crafty. #Knitting #Sewing #JewelryMaking #Lapidary #Fashion #Watercolors
Always looking for #EastBay #IndoorRockClimbing peeps for a #Belay
#introduction #genx #philosophy #art #politics #nafo #twitterrefugee #smallbusiness #progressive #democratic #economics #smbiz #knitting #sewing #jewelrymaking #lapidary #fashion #watercolors #EastBay #IndoorRockClimbing #Belay
@BlackAzizAnansi it will take a shared enthusiasm over a new American dream that all voters - including most of the right - would believe in. It will take a leader able to chart a middle course and tell voters on both sides realities they don’t want to hear in a way both can still sign on to. People vote w their $$$ not their best interests. Sorry. That’s the reality. We drive entrepreneurial voters into the arms of the right every day. We should embrace #smbiz voters, they’re us!