Small and medium-sized enterprises in the UK are completely unprepared for an impending “avalanche” of new EU regulations and taxes, according to a new business survey.
The British Chambers of Commerce is urging the government to improve communications with British businesses as they grapple with what industry is dubbing “Brexit 2.0” — divergence between EU and UK regulations and taxes that creates additional red tape at the border.
#bcc #sme #business #Brexit #EU #UK
Povedzte mi, na čo je dobrý tento článok? Na prezidenta nebude kandidovať ďalších niekoľko miliónov Slovákov. To teraz treba o každom z nich napísať do novín?
#sme #slovenskazurnalistika #prezidentskevolby #denniksme
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-sized businesses are the backbone of China’s economy, accounting for more than 90% of its firms and 80% of its jobs. A new report shares three tales from China on creating strong and sustainable SMEs and mid-sized businesses, based on the experiences of successful entrepreneurs. The tales highlight the importance of innovation, digitalization, and social responsibility.
#china #sme #sustainability
#lingvistika #jazyk #propaganda #rusko #tretiarisa #jazykpropagandy #putin #hitler #sme
Ešte jeden článok o tom, prečo pani #Zuzana nemala nekandidovať, ako to mala alebo nemala oznámiť, či čo si o tom myslí kadejaký tajtrlík (či už medzi novinármi, alebo politikmi), a asi ma vykotí.
Povedala, že opäť kandidovať nebude, a bodka. To je jediná dôležitá informácia. Všetko ostatné sú nepodstatné zbytočnosti.
#zuzana #dennikn #sme #caputova
Vzhľadom na to, že je očividný kokot, učiť by rozhodne nemal.
Tweepsmap is evolving into Fedica!🎉
Our new brand represents our continuous growth as trailblazers in the social media management space, building groundbreaking capabilities from AI-driven publishing to analytics.
Fedica reflects our mission of continuing to build the future of social media tools.
We’re connecting communities across networks and are the first comprehensive #analytics & #publishing platform for the #fediverse
See your new tools here👇 #smm #sme
#analytics #publishing #fediverse #smm #sme
So this seems like a real ”pulling the rug from under the feet”-moment for a lot of #startups and #sme companies. How could something like this slip unnoticed?
CSIRO programme boosts SME cybersecurity
Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, is helping small to medium enterprises (SMEs) enhance their research and development knowledge with a free 10-week online program focused on cyber security and digital technologies. #SME
🆕 An independent Scotland must support university, SME and industry R&D | Martin Roche
Scotland needs a R&D policy solely focused on industries where Scotland has existing strengths, and which encourages SMEs and new start businesses.
#R&D #SME #policy #bylines
Collaboration is the real key to growing your social circle.
Life doesn't happen in a vacuum. Well, maybe the universe does... #smm #b2b #sme
Confidence among China's small and medium-sized enterprises rebounded notably in February amid signs of steady economic recovery and their robust performance this year.
ARM (aarch_64):
#SVE2 Using a phone as a dev board, you're good to go. Latest flagship Samsung, OnePlus phones feature SVE2.
#SME Not accessible yet. Maybe we'll see dev boards, but for now it's [redacted] only.
#RISCVV: Prelaunch spec Dev boards exist, but not much exists with the 1.0 (or higher) spec implemented in hardware. #HorseCreek from Intel+SiFive is supposed to be available this summer in the HiFive Pro P550
#RISCVM: FPGA prototyping only, spec is WIP
Use an FPGA ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#sve2 #sme #riscvv #horsecreek #riscvm
Microsoft for Startups is organizing something different from the "Startup Showcase" series that we have been running so far. We will, instead, host a panel discussion where we will bring together #retailers, #startups and #SME's.
For the first panel di…
Se siente tan bien el ayudar pequeños negocios a resolver problemas digitales con el uso de software libre que de lo contrario podrían haber sido encarcelados en (ser)vicios tecnológicos privativos, víctimas de la dependencia/imposición digital "del mercado".
Por una cultura digital más saludable, ¡se libre! :ablobcatrave:
#GNU #linux #libvirt #backup #trisquel #sme #pyme
Se siente tan bien el ayudar pequeños negocios a resolver problemas digitales con el uso de software libre que de lo contrario podrían haber sido encarcelados en (ser)vicios tecnológicos privativos, víctimas de la dependencia/imposición digital "del mercado".
Por una cultura digital más saludable, ¡se libre! :ablobcatrave:
#gnu #linux #libvirt #backup #trisquel #sme #pyme
This is ground control:
To any small and medium scale enterprise and industry who want to develop.
Here you got the keys to many inovation pathways.
#SME #SMI #Developement
(And yes the way humans interact leads to inovation too)