Biden & "bribes."
In 2016 Kerry's strength was he was war hero where Bush had shirked duty. So Republican propaganda machine "Swiftboated" him, claimed cowardice, etc.
2024 Trump is obviously corrupt. So Republican propaganda machine works to convince public it's Biden who's ocrrupt.
Also, "Her emails."
#ReformTheMedia: Similar to the old “#RedScare” and #McCarthyperiods, when scores of organizations and leaders like W.E.B Du Bois, Eugene Debs, Emma Goldman, Paul Robeson and Martin Luther King Jr and others were attacked with #factless accusations, today, prominent organizations and individuals, including CODEPINK, The People's Forum, and Tricontinental Institute have been targeted, with #smears and #accusations propagated by outlets like The New York Times.
#reformthemedia #redscare #mccarthyperiods #factless #smears #accusations #foreverwars #militaryindustrialcomplex
The #Republican-led #House #HomelandSecurity Cmte also has become involved, asking Stanford & the Un of Washington for additional recs.
The deluge of bad info about #disinformation #researchers’ work also has led to a torrent of digital #harassment, #threats & #smears.
Starbird has long been a target of online harassment, but the campaigns have grown brutal.
#GOPLies #WeaponizationOfGovernment #Gaslighting #harassment #Intimidation #Education #Censorship #FreeSpeech #antivaxxers #Extremism
#republican #house #homelandsecurity #disinformation #researchers #harassment #threats #smears #goplies #weaponizationofgovernment #gaslighting #intimidation #education #censorship #freespeech #antivaxxers #extremism
Many of the lies and misinformation being spread about Hunter Biden. #politics #smears #culture #democracy #disinformation
#politics #smears #culture #democracy #disinformation
#JonathanCook | #Guardian cartoon row: How antisemitism #smears are intended to throttle the left
"No one ... is calling the Guardian 'institutionally antisemitic' ... Nor will its senior editors ... be forced out of their jobs, as #Corbyn was from his. Ofcom will not investigate ... and issue a denunciatory report, as the Equalities and Human Rights Commission did into Labour."
#DumpTheGuardian #corbyn #smears #guardian #JonathanCook
From the Birdsite: it appears they are now targeting the Green Party and the Greens appear to have been silenced.
#Smears #DirtyPolitics #Labour
#smears #dirtypolitics #labour
Mother Jones Daily Newsletter
February 2, 2023
#Racist targeting of Rep. #IlhanOmar, which for years resulted in #deaththreats and opportunistic #smears, is well documented. But on Thursday, it reached something of a climax, a needless and incredibly depressing one, as #HouseRepublicans voted to kick her out of the #ForeignAffairs Committee.
Omar's identity as a #Black #Muslim #woman with power was at the root of today's spectacle.
#Omar, speaking before the vote, asked if it is any surprise that, given the GOP’s attempt to smear the first Black president as an un-American, African-born Muslim, that the party has now moved on to targeting a Black Muslim who was born in #Africa.
#OcasioCortez (D-#NY.), defending #Omar on the House floor, accused her Republican colleagues voting to oust Omar of #racism. “This is about targeting women of color in the #UnitedStatesofAmerica,” she said.
Inae Oh
#racist #ilhanomar #deaththreats #smears #houserepublicans #foreignaffairs #black #Muslim #woman #omar #Africa #ocasiocortez #ny #racism #unitedstatesofamerica
If you are a scientist and not completely indifferent to evidence-based science, you better run far away from NimwegenLab, where a boys club of #conspiratorial cranks poisons the info sphere with #falsehoods & #smears for social media exposure, instead of doing any actual science
#conspiratorial #falsehoods #smears
The #AlJazeera documentary about how the #Labour right have been working to smear left wing members.
#starmer #smears #corbyn #labour #aljazeera
Jonathan Cook
Jewish Chronicle’s libel payouts were a small price to pay for smearing Corbyn and the left
#corbyn #labour #antisemitism #smears #media
#receipts #debunking #rumors #smears
RT Snopes debunked this and even wrote this page because of smears by an outlet named "Young Cons", I guess you could read it as well (it's about liberation from harmful gender norms) -->
#smears #rumors #debunking #receipts