My #smilebasic #petitcom #NintendoSwitch game still needs a little work on the layout perhaps. What do you think?
#smilebasic #petitcom #nintendoswitch
I've now made 155 games for the #NintendoSwitch, using the fantastic #SmileBASIC, #PetitCom, #プチコン4
The image is just a small random selection of Download keys and icons! Oooh!!
You can see the full list here - - where you can also click on the icons to open up little .gifs of all the game.
Gosh, that's a lot of games..
Head into the Switch e-shop, buy a copy of SmileBASIC, then get shoving those codes in to download all 155 of my free games!
#nintendoswitch #smilebasic #petitcom #プチコン4
Today's task : I have to pick up the Switch and finish off this month's #SmileBASIC game, without ending up playing hours of No Man's Sky again!!
#My2022 - Things haven't gone so well for AGameAWeek, this year.
Halfway through the year, I stopped doing Weekly #SmileBASIC games so I could focus on getting a few bigger tasks completed, and on the #AGameAWeek Proper side of things, it became an erratic schedule, with hefty gaps in.
Almost like the whole Politics/War/etc chaos was enough to put me off making games!
As a result, I've only managed 76 games, so far, this year.
But there's still another 5 weeks left in the year.
To The Code!!!
#my2022 #smilebasic #agameaweek
I feel like I'm good at #programming, but demonstrating that to anyone on the internet is super hard unless they also have a 3DS with #smileBASIC on it.
I've learned at University how to use #GitHub, but my problem is how profoundly uninspiring I find programming on the PC to be. Limitations breed creativity, and I find this to especially be the case with my hobby programming.
I've never written any hobby programs on PC, just stuff for University., but I'm going to need to start. It's hard. 😭
#programming #smilebasic #github
My biggest #hobby #programming #project is a series of 16-bit virtual machines, each programmed in their own #assembly languages, implemented in #SmileBASIC for the Nintendo #3DS.
I have written ten virtual machines and dozens of assembly programs. Oddly enough, I have never learned any other assembly languages, only my own. This is because it started as a project to understand machine language and assembly programming. Here's Chip-8 for AVC2!
If you've done something similar, I'd love to see!
#hobby #programming #project #assembly #smilebasic #3ds
#petitcom #プチコン4 #NintendoSwitch #smilebasic
#smilebasic #nintendoswitch #プチコン4 #petitcom
こないだの大喜利生放送で言ってたやつだな(サウンド追加。楽しみ (^o^)
#petitcom #プチコン4 #SmileBASIC #NintendoSwitch
「プチコン4 SmileBASIC」発売2周年セールを実施。5月31日まで33%オフに @4GamerNewsより
#nintendoswitch #smilebasic #プチコン4 #petitcom
#petitcom #プチコン4 #smilebasic
e-shopに並んでるゲームたち、「これプチコンで作れそう」で考えてしまう #petitcom #プチコン #プチコン4 #smilebasic #NintendoSwitch
#nintendoswitch #smilebasic #プチコン4 #プチコン #petitcom
ゲーム業界・トレンドに『basic』てあるからプログラム言語のほうやと思うやん……(ちな、今Nintendo Switchでプログラミングが楽しめるプチコン4ってソフトが半額セール中だから、みんな買え。 #petitcom #NintendoSwitch #smilebasic
#smilebasic #nintendoswitch #petitcom
プチコン大喜利の応募要項には、お題に沿った作品とはあるが、プログラム作品とは無いので、絵や曲だけでの応募も可能なのではないか(賞を取れるかは別として #petitcom #smilebasic #プチコン4
数あるプチコンのスプライトの中で職業名じゃない名前のある男、それがジョニー #petitcom #smilebasic #プチコン4
#petitcom #smilebasic #プチコン
#プチコン #smilebasic #petitcom #この人たちにrtされたら負け
#smilebasic #petitcom #NintendoSwitch
#nintendoswitch #petitcom #smilebasic
海外版 SmileBASIC4 の配信を記念して『 #smilebasic #petitcom タグを付けようキャンペーン』を開催じゃ~(非公式)。自動で付かないタグは手動でお願いします。
#smilebasic4 #プチコン4 #NintendoSwitch
#nintendoswitch #プチコン4 #smilebasic4 #petitcom #smilebasic
3号からだと、グラフィック命令が劇的に早くなっていて助かるわあ #petitcom #SmileBASIC #プチコン4 #NintendoSwitch
#nintendoswitch #プチコン4 #smilebasic #petitcom
「このツール使いづらい、あのゲーム難しすぎ → 自分でソース開いて改造」ができるのがBASICの良いところ良いところ #petitcom #SmileBASIC #プチコン4 #NintendoSwitch
#nintendoswitch #プチコン4 #smilebasic #petitcom