After a month-long hiatus, Adam and Patrick are back for a Guy in a Cube live stream to answer all of your Power BI and Microsoft Fabric questions.
I'll be there causing trouble whilst moderating chat. I hope you'll join us!
#powerbi #microsoftfabric #guyinacube #sml
@VTDARKSIM @SQLAllFather Great question! I’ve posted it to my #SML (“Saturday Morning Learning”) friends to see what they suggest. We meet every Saturday to talk #PowerBI and I’m sure they’ll have some ideas for you, to add to @Sqlgene’s suggestions.
Ich möchte meinen #Stromzähler dank #SML mittels LoraWAN abgreifen. Klappt auch gut. Leider nur mit gekürzten Daten (Stand ohne Nachkommastelle, kein Momentanverbrauch). Wechsel auf erweiterten Datensatz nur mit unbekannter Pin. Hat jemand damit Erfahrung? Ist der Netzbetreiber verpflichtet mir diese Pin zu geben?
@balkonsolar @Balkonkraftwerk
And furthermore in #StandardML ---
#standardml #sml #functionalprogramming
A good start to #MVPSummit week so far. Ran into @IrishSQL at breakfast and hoping to catch up with some #SML #PowerBI peeps later today. #MVPBuzz
#mvpsummit #sml #powerbi #mvpbuzz
@Maddogttu @chuy_varela @JamesDBartlett3 Thanks, James! Welcome, Chuy! There is a great community here and several more from #SML that don’t appear to be very active: @dmeissne @KevArnold @MsBelindaAllen @sue_bayes @ShawnS @cristian_angyal @hamlet88 @AgulloBernat @Jackirby @DonaldParish @Vino_Symposium and (2nd account, not sure which he uses). That’s all I could see (who I follow), there may be more of us here. :)
Anyone aware of work on detecting unused functions in #SML/#StandardML programs? Not for optimisation, but for compile-time warnings.
I have added a second #ATS implementation--this one based closely on the #StandardML, to aid people in comparing the two languages:
Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix ng, continued fraction n1, continued fraction n2) - Rosetta Code,_continued_fraction_n1,_continued_fraction_n2)#Using_multiple_precision_numbers
I also demonstrate having the program broken into multiple files. Some things, which you might not expect to, have to be done "manually" in #ATS2 ...
#ats #standardml #ats2 #atslang #sml
The #StandardML was a particular pleasure to write:
Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix ng, continued fraction n1, continued fraction n2) - Rosetta Code,_continued_fraction_n1,_continued_fraction_n2)#Standard_ML
#standardml #sml #rosettacode #continuedfractions
#anarchism #ancientgreek #anthropology #baduk #bicycling #boardgames #calligraphy #chess #classicalantiquity #classics #climatechange #commonlisp #communism #compilers #cooperatives #culture #deutsch #digitalhumanities #dsa #emacs #español #esperanto #fiction #fancyrats #freeculture #freesoftware #fsf #gamedev #godot #gnu #guile #guix #hcoop #haskell #history #hypertext #internationalsolidarity #javascript #koinegreek #latin #lgbt #linguistics #lisp #lispgames #lispm #logic #math #northcarolina #octodon #philosophy #plt #posca #programming #poetry #queer #rats #scheme #sciencefiction #smalltalk #sml #snowdriftcoop #socialism #tea #trans #typography #unions #vegetarian #weiqi #wikis #www #xanadu #xmpp #yerbamate #yow #zen
#anarchism #ancientgreek #anthropology #baduk #bicycling #boardgames #calligraphy #chess #classicalantiquity #classics #climatechange #commonlisp #communism #compilers #cooperatives #culture #deutsch #digitalhumanities #dsa #emacs #espanol #esperanto #fiction #fancyrats #freeculture #freesoftware #fsf #gamedev #godot #gnu #guile #guix #hcoop #haskell #history #hypertext #internationalsolidarity #javascript #koinegreek #latin #lgbt #linguistics #lisp #lispgames #lispm #logic #math #northcarolina #octodon #philosophy #plt #posca #programming #poetry #queer #rats #scheme #sciencefiction #smalltalk #sml #snowdriftcoop #socialism #tea #trans #typography #unions #vegetarian #weiqi #wikis #www #xanadu #xmpp #yerbamate #yow #zen
Another interesting programming language: SML(NJ). Got a repo [1] for working through "Elements of ML Programming" by Ullman.
I like the currying and the pattern matching when defining functions. Would be cool to have a way of automatically making curried functions in Scheme & a simple way of calling those without going (((func a) b) c).
[1]: (Linking the org-mode exercises file. It is probably the most relevant.)
#programming #sml #currying #patternmatching
RT @maddogttu
Jumping back on here to share this. Imagine my surprise when I found out that I was selected to speak alongside some of the best data folks from across the world.
Very humbled to be going to Wales 🏴 in March. I'd love to see some fellow #PowerBI and @SQLFamily folks.
Check me out on the P3 Raw Data Podcast with Rob Collie #PowerBI #SML
Sisis por eso expulsaron a Llinás #SML #CulpaDeMillos #SabadosFelices
#CulpaDeMillos #SabadosFelices #sml