For my game BlockZ I used this with two extra printed zeros at the end to give the impression on using a higher number than the max value of 65535 that this method can handle.
#SmokeAndMirrors by #Granholm and #DOE: Direct air capture increases carbon dioxide emissions and air pollution.
$1.2B is a #subsidy for #AcceleratingKeelingCurve so the #fossilfuel industry can continue creating #climaterefugees with fires floods and extreme heat and stoke the far right to #FoamAtTheMouth.
#smokeandmirrors #granholm #doe #subsidy #acceleratingkeelingcurve #fossilfuel #ClimateRefugees #foamatthemouth #thegreatgame
WHY Aren’t Politicians writing Election Reform Bills??? That’s right, they Don’t want to be Voted Out by Honest Elections!!!
Let’s Review The Fraudulent Election Systems Still in Place. Electronic Voting Machines, Tabulators, Rolls! Mass Mail in Ballots, Drop Boxes, Harvesting. No Real Forensic Audits (so called proprietary software). Secrecy the Counting and the Unlimited days or Weeks of Counting until they get Enough Fraudulent Ballots for the Desired Candidate! Some states- No Voter ID or Proof of Citizenship! Nobody preventing the Bullying Honest Election Workers from being able to Do Their Job or in Some Cases Stay inside!
Debt Ceiling Deez Nuts!
Anyone else tired of the nonsense while almost nothing gets accomplished to give everyday folks relief from greedflation in housing, fuel, food and consumer goods? #america #debtceiling #smokeandmirrors
#america #debtceiling #smokeandmirrors
'Government’s prediction that its Brexit trade deal with Asia-Pacific countries will grow economy by 0.08 per cent may be an overestimate, it has emerged.'
'Officials working on Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) deal changed their usual approach to calculating GDP figure and instead used a new model that “generates larger estimated GDP impacts”, according to the government’s own documentation.'
"What Happened to the Recession?"
It got replaced with Woke.
https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2023/03/recession-economists-wrong/673252/ #GOP #smokeandmirrors #FoxNews
#gop #smokeandmirrors #foxnews
Crapto currency for InCels
Who remembers the #ColecoChameleon? #RetroMagazine? #GameGavel?
"Smoke And Mirrors" is book that accounts their "rise" and fall written by somebody who was involved and had inside information that has never been published before.
Check it out here:
#MikeKennedy #Gaming #VideoGames #VideoGame #Retro #GameGavelNetwork #Coleco #RetroVGS #Kickstarter #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Scam #Gamer #GamingHistory #VideoGameHistory #SmokeAndMirrors #Game #Biography
#biography #game #smokeandmirrors #videogamehistory #GamingHistory #gamer #Scam #bookstodon #Books #book #kickstarter #retrovgs #coleco #gamegavelnetwork #retro #videogame #videogames #Gaming #mikekennedy #gamegavel #retromagazine #colecochameleon
https://lnkd.in/dNR5Fhmh Izin Akhabau, Paul Waugh 9 January 2023 #DefendTheRightToStrike #ThinEndOfToryWedge #ToryOppression #TheOnePercent #TheRichGetRicher #Health #Education #Transport #Teachers #Schools #NHS #IncompetentToryGovernment #Deceit #Deception #SmokeAndMirrors #ToriesLie #PeopleDie #UnfitForParliament part 3/3
#unfitforparliament #PeopleDie #ToriesLie #smokeandmirrors #deception #deceit #incompetenttorygovernment #nhs #Schools #teachers #transport #Education #Health #therichgetricher #theonepercent #toryoppression #thinendoftorywedge #defendtherighttostrike
Yeah, it's a cheap trick to add more light to a room, but it works.
#smokeandmirrors #interiordesign
#DreamNails #JoeUnknown #WeThreeKings #TheClockworks #Fuzziebär #GRÓA #MinamiDeutsch #SeiStill #TheDirt #TheFiends #Honeyglaze #StaticInVerona #KnightsOfMandala #SuzanneBelaubre #DietervanderWesten #Embatucadores #ChebeenTeriya #BalimayaProject #TribuBaharú #AbayomyAfrobeatOrquestra #HoodnaOrchestra #JBKings #MelbourneDouglasAndTheRegulators #TheMoonInvaders #SmokeAndMirrors #YoungIsraelites #NewBladeRunnersOfDub #D4N #WakeUpNeo #LifeForm #MinimalOrchestra #Akusmatic #ThePolishAmbassador
#dreamnails #joeunknown #wethreekings #TheClockworks #fuzziebar #groa #minamideutsch #seistill #TheDirt #thefiends #Honeyglaze #staticinverona #KnightsOfMandala #SuzanneBelaubre #dietervanderwesten #embatucadores #chebeenteriya #BalimayaProject #tribubaharu #abayomyafrobeatorquestra #hoodnaorchestra #jbkings #melbournedouglasandtheregulators #themooninvaders #smokeandmirrors #youngisraelites #newbladerunnersofdub #d4n #WakeUpNeo #lifeform #MinimalOrchestra #akusmatic #thepolishambassador
#DreamNails #JoeUnknown #WeThreeKings #TheClockworks #Fuzziebär #GRÓA #MinamiDeutsch #SeiStill #TheDirt #TheFiends #Honeyglaze #StaticInVerona #KnightsOfMandala #SuzanneBelaubre #DietervanderWesten #Embatucadores #ChebeenTeriya #BalimayaProject #TribuBaharú #AbayomyAfrobeatOrquestra #HoodnaOrchestra #JBKings #MelbourneDouglasAndTheRegulators #TheMoonInvaders #SmokeAndMirrors #YoungIsraelites #NewBladeRunnersOfDub #D4N #WakeUpNeo #LifeForm #MinimalOrchestra #Akusmatic #ThePolishAmbassador
#dreamnails #joeunknown #wethreekings #theclockworks #fuzziebar #groa #minamideutsch #seistill #thedirt #thefiends #honeyglaze #staticinverona #knightsofmandala #suzannebelaubre #dietervanderwesten #embatucadores #chebeenteriya #BalimayaProject #tribubaharu #abayomyafrobeatorquestra #hoodnaorchestra #jbkings #melbournedouglasandtheregulators #themooninvaders #smokeandmirrors #youngisraelites #newbladerunnersofdub #d4n #wakeupneo #lifeform #minimalorchestra #akusmatic #thepolishambassador
it's not #thursday yet but #WaybackWednesday. One of the first #doublecampmusic songs I heard is #smokeandmirrors a few months ago, and I loved it!!! Discovering them is one of the best things I ever did 🥹🥹🥹
#doublecampmusic #smokeandmirrors #WaybackWednesday #thursday
smoke & mirror
parisian space filled with hot water