@chad @amyfou >how did I not already know about #moosecop
Duh, living on the sun? Naw, moosecop's kinda fallen off the radar recently. #MooseCop on sabatacal from APPD to help fight all those forest fires. Adept at trapsing through dense foliage, he's good at covering lots of ground for the #smokejumpers.
Speaking of which, Ranch Dip, I totes forgot we have a wiki and I keep forgetting to update it.
As more of us head out for outdoor adventure, make sure your fires are OUT
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www.Smokeybear.com for more
#usfs #ushotshots #hotshot #smokejumpers #forestservice #helitack #wildlandfire #smokeythebear #preventfires #hankandboats #cartoon #dogsofmastodon #starstruck #watercolour