I quit smoking around the mid 90’s. I think the price hack then was about £2.50. I was never a big smoker, more what we called then a social smoker. When out drinking etc.
None of my family or friends smoke, so I’ve not kept up with prices. Until now. In the uk a packet of 20 is about £15.
How the fuck can anyone afford to smoke?
It's uncanny how often this happens... Find some shade, nobody around, park and enjoy the breeze. Within minutes, in an empty parking lot someone will park near me and up wind. Then they light up a cigarette. They even get out of their car or hold their hand out the window because they don't like the smell either... Dozens of parking spots why park next to someone enjoying the fresh air?
Because they lack consideration for others.
Global News BC: WATCH: Fire erupts after cigarette tossed in North Vancouver backyard https://globalnews.ca/news/9861142/north-vancouver-fire-cigarette-backyard-video/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NorthVancouverFireAndRescueServices #cigarettefireNorthVancouver #NorthVancouverfirefighters #DistrictofNorthVancouver #Smokingsafety #BCWildfire #Cigarettes #Smokers #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #northvancouverfireandrescueservices #cigarettefirenorthvancouver #northvancouverfirefighters #DistrictofNorthVancouver #smokingsafety #BCWildfire #Cigarettes #smokers #fire
#Brain-zapping technology helps #smokers to quit
‼ Under the category «Custom»: :1000: :autism: :lego: :tankies:
‼ Under the category « #LGBT+»: :verifiedenby: :verifiedgenderqueer: :verifiedlesbian: :verifiedpansexual: :verifiedtrans:
‼ Under the category «Verified #badges»: :verified420: :verifiedCrab: :verifiedslack:
#Emoji #Emojis #NewEmoji #NewEmojis #OneThousand #Autism #Lego #Tank #Tanks #Enby #NonBinary #Genderqueer #Queer #Lesbian #Pansexual #Trans #Spliff #Weed #Pot #Joint #Crab #Cancer #Slack #Smoking #Smoker #Smokers #Smoke
#smoke #smokers #smoker #smoking #slack #cancer #crab #joint #pot #weed #spliff #trans #pansexual #lesbian #queer #genderqueer #nonbinary #enby #tanks #tank #lego #autism #onethousand #NewEmojis #newemoji #emojis #emoji #badges #lgbt
Dear #smokers, the world may be your oyster, but please don’t make it your ashtray. This reminder inspired by my volunteerism on #EarthDay and the thousand #cigarette butts I sent packing.
Data from two longitudinal cohort studies provide evidence that #ecigarette use among early adolescent #smokers in the 🇬🇧 and 🇺🇸 leads to higher risk of smoking 🚬 and more frequent tobacco cigarette use later in adolescence https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/early/2023/03/20/tc-2022-057717
Opt-out care doubled treatment engagement and increased quit attempts, while enhancing
patients’ sense of agency and alliance with practitioners.
Don't wait until #smokers are asking to treat their #addiction
#smokers #addiction #tobacco #smokingcessation
Well these came out just fine. #bumblebees #beekeeper #beekeeping #craft #crafting #smokers
#bumblebees #beekeeper #beekeeping #craft #crafting #smokers
#beekeeping equipment, #tools, #smokers, #beesuits, #wax foundation, #hives, #honeyjars #bee-fondant. Basically everything in stock ready for your visit.
#beekeeping #tools #smokers #beesuits #wax #hives #honeyjars #bee
I am a 40-year-old #single #male in #MissouriCityTexas, a #suburb outside of #HoustonTexas. I'm trying to find myself a #partner, but it's very difficult to do. Anyway, I enjoy #watchingtelevision, #watchingmovies, #diningout, #shopping, #goingtothebeach, #goingonvacations, #reading, #workingout, & #listeningtomusic. My #petpeeves are #smokers, #liars, #jerks, #extremelyrudepeople. I do enjoy the #occasional #alcoholicdrink once in a while though.
#introduction #single #male #missouricitytexas #suburb #houstontexas #partner #watchingtelevision #watchingmovies #diningout #shopping #goingtothebeach #goingonvacations #reading #workingout #listeningtomusic #petpeeves #smokers #liars #jerks #extremelyrudepeople #occasional #alcoholicdrink
My #introduction for #newgaymembers of #Mastodon. I am a 40-year-old #single #gay #male. I currently reside in #MissouriCityTexas, which is a #suburb outside of #HoustonTexas. I like to #workoutnaked, #watchtv, #watchmovies, #dineout, #gotothemovietheater, #and #gotothebeach. The #sportsteams I #follow are the #HoustonAstros #and the #DallasCowboys. I have several #petpeeves that I absolutely cannot stand. They are #smokers, #liars, #cheaters, #extremelyrudepeople, #scammers, #and #hackers.
#introduction #newgaymembers #mastodon #single #gay #male #missouricitytexas #suburb #houstontexas #workoutnaked #watchtv #watchmovies #dineout #gotothemovietheater #and #gotothebeach #sportsteams #follow #houstonastros #dallascowboys #petpeeves #smokers #liars #cheaters #extremelyrudepeople #scammers #hackers
My #introduction for #newgaymembers of #Mastodon. I am a 40-year-old #single #gay #male. I currently reside in #MissouriCityTexas, which is a #suburb outside of #HoustonTexas. I like to #workoutnaked, #watchtv, #watchmovies, #dineout, #gotothemovietheater, #and #gotothebeach. The #sportsteams I #follow are the #HoustonAstros #and the #DallasCowboys. I have several #petpeeves that I absolutely cannot stand. They are #smokers, #liars, #cheaters, #extremelyrudepeople, #scammers, #and #hackers.
#introduction #newgaymembers #mastodon #single #gay #male #missouricitytexas #suburb #houstontexas #workoutnaked #watchtv #watchmovies #dineout #gotothemovietheater #and #gotothebeach #sportsteams #follow #houstonastros #dallascowboys #petpeeves #smokers #liars #cheaters #extremelyrudepeople #scammers #hackers
My #introduction for #newgaymembers of #Mastodon. I am a 40-year-old #single #gay #male. I currently reside in #MissouriCityTexas, which is a #suburb outside of #HoustonTexas. I like to #workoutnaked, #watchtv, #watchmovies, #dineout, #gotothemovietheater, #and #gotothebeach. The #sportsteams I #follow are the #HoustonAstros #and the #DallasCowboys. I have several #petpeeves that I absolutely cannot stand. They are #smokers, #liars, #cheaters, #extremelyrudepeople, #scammers, #and #hackers.
#introduction #newgaymembers #mastodon #single #gay #male #missouricitytexas #suburb #houstontexas #workoutnaked #watchtv #watchmovies #dineout #gotothemovietheater #and #gotothebeach #sportsteams #follow #houstonastros #dallascowboys #petpeeves #smokers #liars #cheaters #extremelyrudepeople #scammers #hackers
My #introduction for #newgaymembers of #Mastodon. I am a 40-year-old #single #gay #male. I currently reside in #MissouriCityTexas, which is a #suburb outside of #HoustonTexas. I like to #workoutnaked, #watchtv, #watchmovies, #dineout, #gotothemovietheater, #and #gotothebeach. The #sportsteams I #follow are the #HoustonAstros #and the #DallasCowboys. I have several #petpeeves that I absolutely cannot stand. They are #smokers, #liars, #cheaters, #extremelyrudepeople, #scammers, #and #hackers.
#introduction #newgaymembers #mastodon #single #gay #male #missouricitytexas #suburb #houstontexas #workoutnaked #watchtv #watchmovies #dineout #gotothemovietheater #and #gotothebeach #sportsteams #follow #houstonastros #dallascowboys #petpeeves #smokers #liars #cheaters #extremelyrudepeople #scammers #hackers
My #introduction for #newmembers. I am a 40-year-old #single #male. I live in #MissouriCityTexas which is a #suburb just outside of #HoustonTexas. I enjoy #workingoutnaked, #watchingtelevision, #watchingmovies, #reading, and #diningout. My #petpeeves are #scammers, #liars, #jerks, and #smokers. I do enjoy the occasional #alcoholicdrink once in a while, though. The rest is in my #profile! I would love to #bedominated by either sex: #male #or #female.
#introduction #newmembers #single #male #missouricitytexas #suburb #houstontexas #workingoutnaked #watchingtelevision #watchingmovies #reading #diningout #petpeeves #scammers #liars #jerks #smokers #alcoholicdrink #profile #bedominated #or #female
My #introduction for #newmembers. I am a 40-year-old #single #male. I live in #MissouriCityTexas which is a #suburb just outside of #HoustonTexas. I enjoy #workingoutnaked, #watchingtelevision, #watchingmovies, #reading, and #diningout. My #petpeeves are #scammers, #liars, #jerks, and #smokers. I do enjoy the occasional #alcoholicdrink once in a while, though. The rest is in my #profile! I would love to #bedominated by either sex: #male #or #female.
#introduction #newmembers #single #male #missouricitytexas #suburb #houstontexas #workingoutnaked #watchingtelevision #watchingmovies #reading #diningout #petpeeves #scammers #liars #jerks #smokers #alcoholicdrink #profile #bedominated #or #female