Why do car owners get a free pass to pollute the air and stink up the place?
Burning fossil fuels should be treated the same as smoking tobacco. Illegal in public in populated areas.

#fuckcars #thebicycleconspiracy #bancars #smokingban #cognitivedissonance #specialpleading #carbrain

Last updated 2 years ago

Rosemary Hill · @Rosemaryhell
48 followers · 73 posts · Server metalhead.club

Interesting article on the effects of the 2007 pub smoking ban in the UK. I was (and remain) a big fan of the ban.

But one effect not covered in the article was that the ban revealed just how much pubs stank, now the stench wasn’t masked by fag smoke. 🤢 So another effect is that pubs have cleaned up and smell better.


#pubs #smokingban

Last updated 2 years ago