TheOnion: Nation’s Older Sister’s Friends Announce Plan To Split Single Cigarette Among 9 Of Them #electroniccigarettes #electroniccigarette #smokingcessation #tifflanders #cigarette #lawcrime #circlek #mikey #cigar
#electroniccigarettes #electroniccigarette #smokingcessation #tifflanders #cigarette #lawcrime #circlek #mikey #cigar
Integrating smoking cessation treatment into routine care for people with mental illness: how will the NHS cope?
Amelia Talbot summarises a qualitative study on people’s views of integrating smoking cessation treatment into routine care for people with mental illness.
#Smoking #SmokingCessation #MentalHealth #NHSTalkingTherapies #IntegratedCare #RoutineCare #HealthInequalities #MortalityGap
#smoking #smokingcessation #mentalhealth #nhstalkingtherapies #integratedcare #routinecare #healthinequalities #mortalitygap
The role of liver health in Alzheimer's prevention
#liverhealth #hepatitisprevention #alzheimersprevention #healthyhabits #smokingcessation #moderationiskey
Arnold R. Eiser is an internal medicine physician and author of Preserving Brain Health in a Toxic Age: New Insights from Neuroscience, Integrative Medicine, and Public Health.
Listen here:
#liverhealth #hepatitisprevention #alzheimersprevention #healthyhabits #smokingcessation #moderationiskey
Another excellent PhD #opportunity at UQ: The "Max Up" Trial will be testing the integration of #smokingcessation with lung cancer screening. 🚭 Find out more here:
#opportunity #smokingcessation
Opt-out care doubled treatment engagement and increased quit attempts, while enhancing
patients’ sense of agency and alliance with practitioners.
Don't wait until #smokers are asking to treat their #addiction
#smokers #addiction #tobacco #smokingcessation
If you missed A/Prof Ryan Courtney's webinar yesterday, you can watch the recording here:
Big thanks to Ryan for sharing the current evidence base on text messaging for #smokingcessation with us!
Join us for our next #webinar TOMORROW. A/Prof Ryan Courtney will be presenting the current evidence base on text messaging for #smokingcessation. 🚭 For details and the webinar link visit
🔊 Opportunity for EMCRs interested in lung health research: Lung Foundation Australia is seeking EOIs for the EMCR Community of Practice Steering Committee! Express your interest:
#lunghealth #smokingcessation
Please join us for our next 🖥️#webinar on 2⃣3⃣ March. A/Prof Ryan Courtney will be presenting the current evidence base on text messaging for #smokingcessation. For details and the webinar link visit
If you missed A/Prof Natalie Walker's excellent webinar last week, you can watch the recording here:
#smokingcessation #research #webinar #tobaccoendgame
#smokingcessation #research #webinar #tobaccoendgame
Smokers who have friends or family supportive of their quitting and live with others who restrict indoor smoking were more likely to be ready to quit and try to quit.
#NICHDImpact #QuitSmoking #Smoking #SmokingCessation #PublicHealth
#NICHDimpact #quitsmoking #smoking #smokingcessation #publichealth
New Zealand passes legislation banning cigarettes for future generations
New Zealand passes legislation banning cigarettes for future generations
A sobering presentation Confirms what we see in practice-why the #HardToReach narrative often used in healthcare is likely to increase existing #HealthInequalities A powerful illustration of #InverseCareLaw applied to #HarmReduction #SmokingCessation #ECigSummit
For the most disadvantaged groups, smoking is seen as lower priority and they are given fewer opportunities to stop.
#hardtoreach #HealthInequalities #inversecarelaw #harmreduction #smokingcessation #ecigsummit
Happy to have participated in this post-hoc analysis which highlights the importance of smoking cessation in improving medication response in COPD. #copd #smokingcessation.
Happy to have participated in this post-hoc analysis which highlights the importance of smoking cessation in improving medication response in COPD. #copd #smokingcessation. #pulmonary #pulmcc
#pulmcc #pulmonary #smokingcessation #copd
1/2🚨Just published by great colleagues
#TobaccoControl Monograph VALIDATING that #SmokingCessation by #Patients with #Cancer is ESSENTIAL & IMPROVES OUTCOMES.
It’s NEVER TOO LATE TO QUIT SMOKING regardless of cancer type.
#tobaccocontrol #smokingcessation #patients #cancer