Thomas #Hertog, collaborator of the late #StephenHawking, claims his mentor came around to the theory of #evolutionary #universe with changing #laws of nature (and the reality of #time) - a theory offered yrs ago by Lee #Smolin, Roberto Mangabeira #Unger, but also Stuart #Kauffman among others - proposed just at the time Hawking published his notorious “Brief History of Time” bestseller.
#hertog #stephenhawking #Evolutionary #universe #laws #time #smolin #unger #kauffman
The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time: A Proposal in Natural Philosophy
Roberto #Mangabeira Unger
Lee #Smolin
Lee #Smolin and David #Bohm come to mind in #Physics.
Smolin on how much credit he is risking (body language!) by talking about the nature of #time
@DrYohanJohn Thanks for highlighting this very helpful video series that made aware of #Logiciel by #Cavia.
Some short remarks:
Implicit throughout the exposition is #Time as concept. Going back as far as #Brouwer it seems that commitments to #reason and #time should be put on the table together from now on. #Smolin was brave enough to do that in #TimeReborn.
Re: #Inferentialism #DNN & #Agency I point to @ceperez who is converging to similar conclusions, yet is skeptical on agency & autonomy.
#logiciel #cavia #time #brouwer #reason #smolin #timereborn #inferentialism #dnn #agency
Lee #Smolin in #TimeReborn and related books actually tries to formalise what this comic presents as a quirky truism.
If you read only one #Sciencebook this holiday season, make it #TimeReborn by Lee #Smolin.
#sciencebook #timereborn #smolin