I mean even other [AFAICT legit but not gonna vouch for anyone] sources like "#OtokonokoPharmaceuticals" don't use major platforms.
Using #Shopify for a #medication store is a huge #RedFlag and shows that this was made as a #SmoothBrain op to either #d0x customers and/or harm them.
#d0x #smoothBrain #redflag #medication #shopify #otokonokopharmaceuticals
Nicht wirklich.
vorallem weil nur #SmoothBrain #Bankster wie #Merz ihren Flieger als Person besitzen.
In der Praxis sind die in eigene Fluggesellschaften verpackt die ausschließlich "call-for-pricing" machen und jene Flieger eh in Steueroasen registrieren...
Effektiv würde man eher @seawatch die eigenen Beobachtungs-Flieger verbieten als irgendwelchen antisozialen Arschgeigen den Privatflieger wegnehmen...
Aber dafür müsste man ja recherchieren statt nachplappern.
I guess I'm too intelligent to do crime...
Because #SmoothBrain|s can't even properly spearphish billions...
In all seriousness:
I don't do crime out of principle!
@Clauduella_ella what do we expect from #SpaceKaren nee #ApartheidEmeraldBoy?
I mean, he's a #SmoothBrain doing dumb shit and thinking of himself as having a #GalaxyBrainChair instead...
#galaxybrainchair #smoothBrain #apartheidemeraldboy #SpaceKaren
@Renegade_GDI The point is that this is the wrong approach.
It doesn't fix the root - which is lack of #MediaLiteracy & #TechLiteracy.
#Misinformation gets rewarded and trusted specifically because it get's flagged as such, and for #MediaIlliterates that is a badge of honor - as a sign that 'we're telling a truth they don't want you to know about!' kinda #SmoothBrain'd logic.
#smoothBrain #mediailliterates #misinformation #techliteracy #medialiteracy
@heiseonline What did people expect?
#SmoothBrain #Billionaire + #Tech = #DumbShit!
#DumbShit #Tech #billionaire #smoothBrain