#Netanyahu und die #Justizreform:
Bis 5 Minuten vor der entscheidenden Abstimmung war Premier Netanyahu am Telefon mit Präsident #Herzog, der eine Abänderung des Gesetzes forderte.
Davor hatte er mehrmals versucht, mit Verteidigungsminister Yoav Gallant und Finanzminister Bezalel Smotrich über Verhandlungen mit der Opposition zu sprechen.
Als es zur Abstimmung kam - sämtliche Abgeordnete der Opposition hatten den Saal verlassen -, musste Netanyahu zwei mal aufgerufen werden, bevor er seine Stimme für das Gesetz abgab.
Das zeigt ganz gut: er weiß, dass er einen Teil seiner Wähler damit verliert. Aber wenn er versucht hätte, dagegen zu stimmen, hätte er die Koalition mit #Smotrich und #BenGvir gebrochen.
#netanyahu #justizreform #herzog #smotrich #bengvir #israel
Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce délire ?
Vous avez accepté de rencontrer le fasciste et homophobe #Smotrich ?
@Le_CRIF@twitter.com @ConsistoireFr@twitter.com @KKLdeFrance@twitter.com https://nitter.net/bezalelsm/status/1666193446925656078
La nouvelle venue du ministre israélien #Smotrich à Paris est une provocation.
Rappelons que lors de son dernier passage en France, il a affirmé que le peuple palestinien n'existait pas, et qu'il revendique son homophobie, son racisme et son fascisme.
Siamo tutti antifascisti ✊
Palestine 75 years of Nakba: a stark reminder of Israel's colonialism | Morning Star
#palestine #israel #nakba #colonialism #palestinians #PalestineSolidarityCampaign #Tradeunions #dispossession #occupation #solidarity #westbank #netanyahu #Huwara #israelisettlers #smotrich
#Israel's rechtsextremer Finanzminister Bezalel #Smotrich hat gestern offenbar in Frankreich von einem Pult aus gesprochen, das eine "Großisrael"-Karte zeigte. Als israelisches Territorium werden darauf ganz #Westjordanland und #Jordanien gezeigt.
#Jordanien #westjordanland #smotrich #Israel
RT @Volker_Beck
Israel should 'wipe out' Palestinian village of #Huwara, said minister #Smotrich.
Defence minister #Gallant called for pause to reforms as hundreds of thousands protest.
Who had to leave? What is the moral message of this government to the people of 🇮🇱 #Israel?
#israel #Gallant #smotrich #huwara
Wenn sich die rechtsextremen Minister Bezalel #Smotrich und Itamar #BenGvir tatsächlich weigern, bei einem Stopp der #Justizreform in der Regierung zu bleiben - dann kann #Netanyahu die Reform nur "vorübergehend auf Eis legen" oder seine Koalition ist zerbrochen.
#Israel #netanyahu #Justizreform #BenGvir #smotrich
#Smotrich's nasty mouth gets his dick in a vise and #Israel's tit in a wringer
#Jordan parliament votes to recommend expelling Israeli ambassador
RT @EpshtainItay@twitter.com
Speaking yesterday in Paris, #Israel's overlord of occupied #Palestinian territory, Minister #Smotrich denied the very existence of a Palestinian people, while speaking from a podium adorned with a map of Israel straddling the West Bank and #Jordan. Context follows:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EpshtainItay/status/1637739717113282560
#jordan #smotrich #palestinian #Israel
RT @EpshtainItay
Speaking yesterday in Paris, #Israel's overlord of occupied #Palestinian territory, Minister #Smotrich denied the very existence of a Palestinian people, while speaking from a podium adorned with a map of Israel straddling the West Bank and #Jordan. Context follows:
#israel #palestinian #smotrich #jordan
RT @EpshtainItay
Speaking yesterday in Paris, #Israel's overlord of occupied #Palestinian territory, Minister #Smotrich denied the very existence of a Palestinian people, while speaking from a podium adorned with a map of Israel straddling the West Bank and #Jordan. Context follows:
#jordan #smotrich #palestinian #israel
Et tout d'un coup, tu apprends que le ministre #Smotrich, qui se revendique "fasciste et homophobe" et qui avait prétendument annulé son passage en France, a bel et bien tenu une conférence aujourd'hui à #Paris.
Vous avez autorisé cela, @MinColonna@twitter.com ? @GDarmanin@twitter.com ?
Wie ich immer sage, israelische Politiker haben kein Interesse an Frieden mit den Palästinensern. Diesen Konflikt gibt es seit Jahrzehnten und er sorgt dafür, dass Leute, wie Netanjahu gewählt werden.
Corrompu, raciste, homophobe : le gouvernement Netanyahou n° 6
La victoire du « camp national » aux législatives
PartisVoixPourcentageSiègesLégislatives 2021
Likoud1 115 33623,4132- 0,78 %+ 3 sièges
Sionisme religieux + Force j
#1novembre2022 #Forcejuive #Gvir #israel #JudaïsmeunifiédelaTorah #législatives #Likoud #Netanyahou #Noam #Palestiniens #Shas #Sionismereligieux #Smotrich
#smotrich #sionismereligieux #Shas #palestiniens #noam #netanyahou #likoud #legislatives #judaismeunifiedelatorah #israel #gvir #forcejuive #1novembre2022
Jewish and Democratic? The Boomerang Effect
"Our new series, Focus Israel, addresses the threat to democracy in the wake of the November 2022 election of Netanyahu’s far-right coalition government"
Omar Bartov
#Netanyahu #Israel #Palestine #Smotrich #Zionism #Likud
#netanyahu #israel #palestine #smotrich #zionism #Likud
This photo of #Netanyahu and #Smotrich walking in opposite directions is terrific. Amazing choice for the article.
Avec la future nomination d'hommes politiques ultranationalistes, à l'image d'Itamar #BenGvir ou Bezalel #Smotrich pour la gestion des colonies en #Cisjordanie occupée, le futur gouvernement israélien 🇮🇱 est "le plus à droite de son Histoire". Précisions avec @_ClaireDuhamel
#bengvir #smotrich #cisjordanie
The Ideal of #Democracy in a Jewish State Is in Jeopardy - from the #Editorial #Board of the #New #York #Times
"While Mr. #Netanyahu clearly has the support of the #Israeli electorate, his coalition’s victory was narrow and cannot be seen as a broad mandate to make concessions to ultrareligious and ultranationalist parties that are putting the ideal of a democratic #Jewish #state in #jeopardy"
'#Ministers in the new #government are set to include figures such as #Itamar #Ben-#Gvir, who was convicted in #Israel in 2007 for #incitement to #racism and supporting a Jewish #terrorist #organization. He will probably be #minister of #national #security. #Bezalel #Smotrich, who has long supported outright #annexation of the #West #Bank, is expected to be named the next #finance #minister, with additional authority over the administration of the West Bank. For the #deputy in the #prime #minister’s office in charge of Jewish identity, Mr. Netanyahu is expected to name #Avi #Maoz, who once described himself as a “#proud #homophobe.”'
without a paywall -
original article -
#democracy #editorial #board #new #york #Times #netanyahu #israeli #jewish #state #jeopardy #ministers #government #itamar #ben #gvir #israel #incitement #racism #terrorist #organization #minister #national #security #bezalel #smotrich #annexation #west #bank #finance #Deputy #prime #avi #maoz #proud #homophobe #nyt
The Ideal of #Democracy in a Jewish State Is in Jeopardy - from the #Editorial #Board of the #New #York #Times
"While Mr. #Netanyahu clearly has the support of the#Israeli electorate, his coalition’s victory was narrow and cannot be seen as a broad mandate to make concessions to ultrareligious and ultranationalist parties that are putting the ideal of a democratic #Jewish #state in #jeopardy"
'#Ministers in the new #government are set to include figures such as #Itamar #Ben-#Gvir, who was convicted in #Israel in 2007 for #incitement to #racism and supporting a Jewish #terrorist #organization. He will probably be #minister of #national #security. #Bezalel #Smotrich, who has long supported outright #annexation of the #West #Bank, is expected to be named the next #finance #minister, with additional authority over the administration of the West Bank. For the #deputy in the #prime #minister’s office in charge of Jewish identity, Mr. Netanyahu is expected to name #Avi #Maoz, who once described himself as a “#proud #homophobe.”'
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#democracy #editorial #board #new #york #Times #netanyahu #jewish #state #jeopardy #ministers #government #itamar #ben #gvir #israel #incitement #racism #terrorist #organization #minister #national #security #bezalel #smotrich #annexation #west #bank #finance #Deputy #prime #avi #maoz #proud #homophobe #nyt
Nadchodzą ciężkie czasy dla relacji izraelsko-palestyńskim. W nowym izraelskim rządzie za Zachodni Brzeg będzie odpowiadał ultraprawicowy Bezalel #Smotrich.
Ultranationalist politician will be given responsibility over #WestBank in a new IL gov't. @axios@twitter.com