Stadium MRT Station in Singapore
#JosefČapek (* 23. 3. 1887, † duben 1945)
Proč maluji, proč píšu? - Abych si ulevil.
Nemám čas ani drzost vyrábět umění.
Propadám se životem,
jsem oslněn životem,
smrdím životem,
jsem okouzlen životem,
drcen, utahán,
nechápu život,
lpím na životě,
hynu jím a sám sebou.
Možno si jen ulevit, ne produkovat.
(Psáno do mraků)
#Psanodomraku #proc #umeni #zivot #zrozeni #smrt #Pracovaljsemmnoho
#josefcapek #psanodomraku #proc #umeni #zivot #zrozeni #smrt #pracovaljsemmnoho
My roomba hasn’t been charging or working because. I had it turned off. #smrt
We've had a composting bin in our apartment complex since last summer.
Still, every time I want to ask @spookius to take out the compost, I forget the word "compost".
I can't even blame Polish on this one, because it's the same, only spelled with a k instead of c.
"Green food thing" is likely to become my curved yellow fruit forever 😩
I have gotten a lot of new followers probably because of my shitposting about horrible awful no good time I'm having with my PC upgrades.
Meanwhile: Ikea order arrived today with new under-cabinet kitchen lights.
After installing the lights I have discovered that I suck at that too, because the LED driver is 10W and the lights are collectively 14W and I don't know how the fuck did I ever pass elementary math.
I hope you brought popcorn.
I literally had a drip tray weighed down with rocks to keep it from moving in the wind before this occurred to me. #SMRT
💥 🧪 💥 Kolem roku 2026 se má vyskytnout nová #nákaza, kterou #společnost, včetně médií budou nazývat „#zombie #mor“. Lidé budou hledat smrt, ale #smrt se jim vyhne!
Ve střední Americe vypukne totální #chaos…
✝️ #Bible:
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#nákaza #Společnost #zombie #mor #smrt #chaos #bible
Actual 5D Chess proves that time travel should not be allowed - #FeaturedArticles #ConorPetersen #Thunkspace #feature #smrt
#featuredarticles #ConorPetersen #Thunkspace #feature #smrt