@pgaDUS Am besten melden: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Vportal/TK/Aerger/Faelle/SMSSpam/start.html
I like that Apple somewhat recently added the super easy ability to report SMS spam. The FTC has wanted folks to report stuff to carriers (forward to 7726) and to them directly for years. Maybe with this native reporting we can finally nuke bad guys spinning up fly-by-night ops w/ companies like Twilio and the like.
#apple #iOS #FTC #twilio #smsspam #spam
Was in letzter Zeit ständig die Handys meiner Kinder kaputt gehen 😂😂😂
Viele wissen sicher nichtmal, dass sie Kinder haben🤣
Kennt ihr sicher auch?
Wäre mal interessant, wie viele darauf antworten🤔
#SMS #SMSBenachrichtigungen #smsspam #Spam
PayPal SMS scams – don’t fall for them! - Text messages may be old hat - but SMS is still a handy tool for crooks out to find more about you... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/02/05/paypal-sms-scams-dont-fall-for-them/ #phishingscam #smsphishing #textmessage #phishing #privacy #smsspam
#smsspam #privacy #phishing #textmessage #smsphishing #phishingscam
Google adds Verified SMS and anti-spam feature to Messages app - If webmail, WhatsApp and IM are killing SMS, someone might want to tell Google - as it continues t... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2019/12/16/google-adds-verified-sms-and-anti-spam-feature-to-messages-app/ #richcommunicationservices #spamprotectionformessages #verifiedsmssystem #operatingsystems #securitythreats #googlemessages #messagesapp #android #smsspam #google #mobile #spam #rcs #sms
#sms #rcs #spam #mobile #google #smsspam #android #messagesapp #googlemessages #securitythreats #operatingsystems #verifiedsmssystem #spamprotectionformessages #richcommunicationservices