After years, I've finally gone back and beat this jerk. Not surprising that after 150+ hours of fusing and grinding, he was a pushover. #smt #strangejourney #superboss
#smt #strangejourney #superboss
Going live again with more Majin Tensei. I've finally reached the second half of the game!
#twitch #streaming #megaten #smt
EduSAT: A pedagogical tool for theory and applications of boolean satisfiability. ~ Yiqi Zhao, Ziyan An, Meiyi Ma, Taylor Johnson. #Logic #SAT_Solver #SMT
I'm back with more Majin Tensei today! There's a big looming tower ahead of me. Can I make it to the underworld?
#twitch #streaming #smt #megaten
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Persona, is in fact, SMT/Persona, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, SMT plus Persona. Persona is not a video game franchise unto itself, but rather another expensive spin-off of a fully fleshed-out SMT setting made coherent by the SMT lore, demons and magic system comprising a full video game franchise as defined by Atlus.
#smt #shinmegamitensei #persona
I'm streaming, and it's Majin Tensei again! Hey, I actually remembered to announce it this time!
#twitch #streaming #smt #megaten
Pixel Pump, the Open Source Vacuum Pickup Tool is Now Shipping - The Pixel Pump is an open source manual pick & place assist tool by [Robin Rei... - #desktopmanufacturing #crowdfunding #pickandplace #vacuumpickup #toolhacks #pixelpump #assembly #smd #smt
#smt #smd #assembly #pixelpump #toolhacks #vacuumpickup #pickandplace #crowdfunding #desktopmanufacturing
A DPLL(T) framework for verifying deep neural networks. ~ Hai Duong, Linhan Li, ThanhVu Nguyen, Matthew Dwyer. #NeuralNetwork #SMT #SAT
I'm back to streaming Majin Tensei, the SMT tactics game that came before Devil Survivor! (Actually I forgot to announce it last time, sorry! :blobcatNotLikeThis: )
#twitch #streaming #megaten #smt
An interactive SMT tactic in Coq using abductive reasoning. ~ Haniel Barbosa, Chantal Keller, Andrew Reynolds, Arjun Viswanathan, Cesare Tinelli, Clark Barrett. #ITP #Coq #SMT
Propositional model counting (#SAT) can be solved efficiently when the input formula is in deterministic decomposable negation normal form (d-DNNF). Translating an arbitrary formula into a representation that allows inference tasks, such as counting, to be performed efficiently, is called knowledge compilation. Top-down knowledge compilation is a state-of-the-art technique for solving #SAT problems that leverages the traces of exhaustive DPLL search to obtain d-DNNF representations. While knowledge compilation is well studied for propositional approaches, knowledge compilation for the (quantifier free) counting modulo theory setting (#SMT) has been studied to a much lesser degree. In this paper, we discuss compilation strategies for #SMT. We specifically advocate for a top-down compiler based on the traces of exhaustive DPLL(T) search.
I released my Nahobino Plush avatar (based on the Stubbins Plush in the Atlus store) and its obtainable in my Velvet Chill Room map. You can view a video showing the avatar here with the World ID in the description.
#smtv #smt #nahobino #shinmegamitensei #avatars #vrc #vrchat #vrchatavatar #arjvrc
#smtv #smt #nahobino #shinmegamitensei #avatars #vrc #vrchat #vrchatavatar #arjvrc
Anyone using Kick? I'm streaming on Kick four days a week, playing Dark Souls, Shin Megami Tensei III, Monster Hunter Rise, and Resident Evil 7 #kickstreamer #kickstreaming #mhr #monsterhunter #smt
#kickstreamer #kickstreaming #mhr #monsterhunter #smt
SMT3 Nocturne HD
Let's keep going
#Twitch #Streaming #ps2 #smt #nintendoswitch
Atlus is sharing cosplay guides for various iconic characters, starting with the Demifiend from #shinmegamitensei3
All I can think of is when Kaneko said he was inspired by the Red Hot Chili Peppers when designing the character, in this interview
#smt #smt3 #shinmegamitensei #atlus #demifiend #gaming
#shinmegamitensei3 #smt #smt3 #shinmegamitensei #atlus #demifiend #gaming