Br3akp0int · @Br3akp0int
3 followers · 1 posts · Server

Sharing blog related to malware analysis and detections. In this article we include some tip how you can use fakesmtp server to see the exfiltrated data in attacker side. 😀

1. modify smtp setup, disable smtp SSL

2. then setup your fake or dummy smtp server. In this analysis I use this great tool .

after the setup, you have the attacker's view as it sends the screenshot, keylogs and browser databases/info (in .zip) to your fake smtp.

for analytics here is the link of the analytic story

#strt #agenttesla #smtpdev #splunk #malware #int3 #reverseengineering #blueteam #cybersecurity #incidentresponse

Last updated 2 years ago

Br3akp0int · @Br3akp0int
33 followers · 12 posts · Server

Sharing blog related to malware analysis and detections. In this article we include some tip how you can use fakesmtp server to see the exfiltrated data in attacker side. 😀

1. modify smtp setup, disable smtp SSL

2. then setup your fake or dummy smtp server. In this analysis I use this great tool .

after the setup, you have the attacker's view as it sends the screenshot, keylogs and browser databases/info (in .zip) to your fake smtp.

for analytics here is the link of the analytic story

#strt #agenttesla #smtpdev #splunk #malware #int3 #reverseengineering #blueteam #cybersecurity #incidentresponse

Last updated 2 years ago