Léo Varnet · @leovarnet
658 followers · 495 posts · Server qoto.org

"The notes themselves—the sound waves, that is—are heard alike by musician and nonmusician and are universally acknowledged to be real in the purely physical sense. But what about the melody itself? Is it something real or does it exist only in the mind or imagination […] The musician does not need to have "faith" that there is a melody, nor does he have to accept the existence of the melody on some scriptural authority; he obviously has a direct experience of the melody itself. And once the melody is heard, it is impossible ever again to doubt it."
(Richard , The Is Silent)

#smullyan #tao #perception #philosophyofperception #music #musicperception #psychophysics

Last updated 1 year ago

Léo Varnet · @leovarnet
658 followers · 495 posts · Server qoto.org

The notes themselves—the sound waves, that is—are heard alike by musician and nonmusician and are universally acknowledged to be real in the purely physical sense. But what about the melody itself? Is it something real or does it exist only in the mind or imagination […] The musician does not need to have "faith" that there is a melody, nor does he have to accept the existence of the melody on some scriptural authority; he obviously has a direct experience of the melody itself. And once the melody is heard, it is impossible ever again to doubt it.
(Richard , The Is Silent)

#smullyan #tao #philosophyofperception #perception #music #musicperception #psychophysics

Last updated 1 year ago

Wayne Myers · @conniptions
251 followers · 425 posts · Server mastodon.social

Possibly a niche toot, but if anyone else is reading / has read Satan, Cantor, and Infinity by Raymond Smullyan, and, like me, got to the chapter on robots only to find it impossible to parse the text without trying to implement the robot language somehow: I think there's an unstated assumption that the 'Q' command can only be acted on once per robot. My implementation suffers from being in Ruby and not Lisp, because it is clear from the text that Lisp is what you want.

#lisp #smullyan

Last updated 2 years ago

Jordi R. Smjle · @smjle
66 followers · 471 posts · Server mastodont.cat

És "no" la resposta correcta a aquesta pregunta?
Lògica de


Last updated 2 years ago

Jordi R. Smjle · @smjle
64 followers · 457 posts · Server mastodont.cat

@devid això és una pregunta trampa, oi?
Si responc "sí", això voldrà dir que la meva resposta és broma i la resposta correcta és "no", però si no és broma, aleshores és "sí".
Però si responc "no", tant pot ser que respongui seriosament o de broma, i la resposta és perfectament consistent.

Lògica de (per Raymond Smullyan)


Last updated 2 years ago